Chapter 7: "Dinner time"

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Izzie's POV

"Finally you're back, you've been gone for ages." Elsa exclaimed as we entered the house. It had gotten quite dark outside, although we didn't notice.

"Dinners nearly ready, are you staying over Izzie?" Elsa asked excitedly.

"Yeah, I hope if that's ok." I said sheepishly, walking into the kitchen to see what she was cooking. Casey trailing slouchily behind me.

"Of course honey, we love having you over." Elsa spoke lovingly towards me, she was more of a mother to me than my own; Which was rather sad to be honest.

Elsa opened the hot oven and pulled out a steaming dish of lasagna, it looked marvellous. The golden bubbling cheese that smothered the whole tray, made my mouth water. And the smell was divine, I wasn't used to the kind of food Elsa makes.

Me and Dani are not chefs, and mom isn't either. The only time we had decent food, was when we went over to Grams house.

"Smells amazing." I said to Elsa, practically drooling over the lasagna, whilst Casey plonked down on the couch.

Elsa smiled brightly and thanked me, she probably doesn't get many compliments on her hard work. As much as I love Casey, I've got to admit she doesn't give her mom enough credit. Despite the fact Elsa screwed up, with that bartender, she's still a great mother in my opinion.

I plonked down beside Casey, who was watching some cartoon with a raccoon and a weird looking blue bird. It's actually pretty hilarious, and Casey thought so too because she was chuckling every few seconds.

I looked down at Casey's fist, and remembered what had happened earlier.

"I'll go get the ice for your hand." I said getting up from the couch, the look on her face told me she had completely forgotten about her hand.

"Why do you need the ice pack?" Elsa asked curiously, as I entered the kitchen. Which was connected to the living room, making eavesdropping particularly easy for her.

I grabbed it from the freezer, and turned to Elsa awkwardly.

"Casey hurt her hand while we were out, it's no big deal." I said kindly, I didn't want to tell her Casey punched someone.

"Is she ok?" She asked worriedly, looking into the living room to see Casey laying down giggling adorably at the tv.

"She'll be fine, don't worry Mrs. Gardener." I said smiling at her, it seemed to work because she didn't ask any more questions.

"Izzie will you be a dear and bring Sam down for dinner?" Elsa asked me. "And please, call me Elsa." She finished smiling at me warmly.

"Okay I will do, Elsa." I replied, heading out towards the staircase. Casey had took a sudden interest, and popped her head up from the couch.

"Did you get the ice pack?" She asked glancing from me to the tv curiously.

"I'll be back, I'm just getting your brother for dinner." I said nonchalantly, as I climbed the stairs. I noticed Casey watching me as I did so, her gaze really did make me burn up.


Sam was FaceTiming Paige when I walked in, obviously I had interrupted their private conversation.

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