Chapter 7

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Tavon P.O.V

“Is he going to be alright.” There was a pause.

 “He should be. He’s probably going to be sick from the alcohol and he’s going to want to down a whole bottle of aspirins.” Well now that it was mentioned my stomach flipped and my head throbbed. I groaned and sat up covering my mouth.

“Come on I’ll help you to the bathroom.” I grabbed the hand that was offered to me and allowed the person to lead me to the restroom. As soon as I saw the toilet I dropped to it and became violently sick.

When I was done losing my insides I flushed the toilet and fell back against the floor loving the feel of the cold tile on my sore body. I sighed.

“Tavon.” I slowly opened my eyes and frowned. I was still tired and out of it.

“Tavon I need you to tell me how you feeling.” I went to talk but I felt sick again and shot up.

Again when I was done I flushed the toilet and just stayed there. I heard a hesitant chuckle.

“I guess that answers my question. Here take this it will help with the vomiting.” I opened my eyes and saw a box labeled ‘BC powders’ I took it and took one out. I opened it and dumped it into my mouth. I scrunched my face up at how thick it was.

“Here” I took the glass and downed the water thankful it made it easier to swallow the powder.

I sat there as my stomach began to settle and the throbbing in my head dulled to a bearable level. Slowly I began to become aware of things. I opened my eyes and looked towards the sink. Dr. Stephens stood with her arms crossed leaning against it staring at me with a worried look. I smiled weakly at her.

“I needed that.” she hesitated but then gave me a hesitant smile.

 “Can you stand?” I nodded and slowly stood. I stumbled but caught myself. I went to talk but frowned.

“I’m seriously in need of a tooth brush an-” She unfolded her arms and held out a brand new box of toothpaste and a new tooth brush. I took them from her with a grateful smile and took them opening them and putting a healthy amount of toothpaste on the toothbrush. The whole time the doctor stood waiting patiently until I was finished and I rinsed my mouth out laying the toothbrush to the side. I stood and smiled warmly at her.

“Nothing like good dental hygiene to help start a day off right.” She shook her head at me, but smiled.

 “Come on there are something that we need to discuss.” I nodded and followed her out the room.

She led me down stairs and in- I didn’t get to finish the thought. As soon I stepped into the room and saw those ice blue eyes staring at me intently everything from the previous night came rushing back to me. I stood frozen in my spot as various emotions began to slam into me.

“Tavon.” I glanced at Siya and she frowned at me. “Words would be greatly appreciated.” I didn’t respond, but instead turned to look back at Tyler.

I stumbled back until I hit the wall, but I never took my eyes form Tyler. I felt alone, hurt, betrayed, torn, but what pissed me off was that I still felt the unconditional love I had for him. I felt a longing and yearning feel to go towards him, but I couldn’t move. Everyone stood looking nervous and anticipation was hanging thick in the air.

My eyes traveled around the room and landed on Aqua. She tensed up, but I didn’t give a damn why. When I looked at her I felt disappointment, betrayal and …hatred. I know hate is a strong word, but that’s how strong the emotion was. What pissed me off the most was that my mind kept playing her confession to me over and over again. When she dropped her head I just looked away from her and continued to look around the room.

My eyes landed on the blond haired man and I felt my anger flair to dangerous levels. He stared at me as if he knew how I was feeling. He held his hands up and took a step back. I don’t know why but the movement sent me over edge. I pushed off the wall glaring at him unable to hold back.

“You bastard.” The doctor backed away from me, I saw Siya flinch, and everyone else took steps back. I was seething. I took another step in his direction. “How dare you stand here and act as if you honestly give a damn about my well being. How dare you even show your face after what you did to me, I trusted you, and gave you the benefit of the doubt. I never expected you to actually betray that and throw the shit back in my face.” I stopped when I was a few feet away from him and glared down at him. He stood staring at me apologetically, but it was the other thing in his eyes that made me ball my fist up. I narrowed my eyes at him. “You don’t even regret doing it do you?” He hesitated, but then shook his head. Livid didn’t even describe how I was feeling, but I stopped myself from lashing out just yet. I wanted to hear what he had to say. When he saw I wasn’t going to say anything he continued.

“I know what I did was unforgivable and to be honest I don’t expect you to forgive me, but I will not regret what happened between Tyler and me. I’ve wanted him for so long and when the only opportunity I knew I was going to get came I took it. I love Tyler and I forever will. Do what you please Tavon, but I will not let you take that night away from me.”

I glared harder at him and balled my fist up tighter. I was fighting to contain myself, shaking with the force of it. I closed my eyes for a second and opened them back up.

“You took everything from me!”

 “You have everything I want!” He yelled the words back at me, but I was beyond reasoning. I wanted revenge. I drew my hand back ready to strike him, but stopped and froze in my spot.

Tyler stood in front of Chase with and strained yet determined look. In that moment I lost all fight. I lost all will. I lost all feelings. I dropped my hand and stood looking at him. We stood staring at each other. No words passed between us, but they didn’t need to. I shook my head and took a step back. He went to say something but I held my hand up.

“You want to know something Tyler.” I sighed tiredly, really wanting to just be on the go right now. “Fuck you, Chase, and Aqua. I trusted all of you and you betrayed it.” I looked at Aqua. “When I didn’t have my memory you told me you loved me, now I know why I couldn’t return those feelings. I wouldn’t be standing in the position I’m in right now if you wouldn’t have said anything in the first place. I truly do hate you for that, and I don’t want you anywhere near me.” I looked back at Chase who was still behind Tyler.

“I really do hope it was worth it Chase. To be honest I envy you more than I hate you.” When my eyes met Tyler I felt my blood go cold. “As for you Tyler.” I just shook my head. “Out of them all I hate you the most.” My words weren’t hard or even filled with hatred it was the stone cold truth. I closed my eyes and sighed looking back at him. “The thing I hate about you most is that even after all of this, after everything that’s happened, I still love you unconditionally.” I took a step away from them and turned my back looking at all the other faces. Everyone stood frozen in there spot as if they were scared to move.

I just sighed and walked over to the doctor and gave her a kiss on the cheek and did the same to Siya. I began to walk away, but stopped when I heard a strained voice.

 “You promised me Tavon.” I looked back at Tyler feeling numb.

“I know and I keep my promises. I do remember how I felt for you while my memory was gone, but I refuse to act on them. I honestly don’t see the point in it.” I turned my back on all of them.

“Good- bye.” I walked to the door and let myself out.

I numbly pulled my bike keys out my pocket and walked over to my motor cycle. Just as I reached for my helmet I felt a hand on my shoulder. I sighed and looked over my shoulder to see Dr. Stephen, Siya, and Rain all looking at me with a worry expression.

“Tavon please let us take you home. I don’t want you to end up in the hospital again.” I really didn’t feel like arguing so I just shrugged. Siya held her hand out and I gave my keys. Dr. Stephen took my hand and led me to her car. She unlocked the doors and we got in. The ride home was silent, but the whole time I thought about my words to Tyler and the truth they held. I really did hate him. I hate him because he made me fall in love him.

Remember Me (boyxboy) Sequel to 'Be Mine'Where stories live. Discover now