Chapter 12

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Authors P.O.V

“He’s been sleep ever since you left Tavon. I’m honestly worried about him.”  Tavon sighed into the phone. He knew how Tyler was going to react, but he didn’t think it would have led to him being sleep for almost a full day.

“If I come over there now Akashi it will ruin all the plans. I have to make it believable.” She sighed.

“Then send someone over here and now Tavon. I’m honestly scared to be away from him right now.” Once again Tavon sighed.

“Alright I’m getting on that now.” He hung up the phone and scrolled through his contacts. When he found the number he was looking for he hit send and waited.

“Hello.” He sighed...again.

“I need your help.”

Akashi paced back and forth glancing at Ashley and Tyler. She was worried when neither one could get him to wake up. They tried to shake him, hit him, and even yell at him but he didn’t even budge. She actually had to check for a pulse to see that he was ok. When the door bell rung she rushed to it and threw it opened. She sighed in relief when she saw who was standing on the other side.

“Where is he?”

“He’s in the living room laid out on the couch.” She stepped aside and allowed him to step into the door. She closed the door and followed behind silently. She watched as he kneeled down in front of him and frowned.

“You’ve tried everything.” Her and Ashley nodded.

“He won’t wake up?” They shook their head. He sighed and leaned down. Akashi watched as he leaned forward. She thought he was going to kiss him but instead he leaned towards his ear.

She could tell he was whispering something because his mouth was moving, but she couldn’t hear what he was saying. A minute past and Tyler began to mumble. She smiled brightly and watched in anticipation.

Tyler P.O.V

“You do know that he still loves you and he wouldn’t want to see you like this.” I groaned at the beautiful voice, but it was only feeding me false hope. “Come on Tyler you can’t stay sleep forever. You said you would help me. Don’t I mean a lot to you?” I mumbled a yes.  He chuckled. “Then wake up because you already missed a whole day worth of work and I’m sure you’re going to want to make it up.”  I sighed and leaned into Chase.

“I’m up.” He tried to pull away, but I wrapped my arm around him and held him in place.

“Don’t go just yet.” He chuckled again.

“It’s one in the afternoon. I honestly can’t stay to long Tyler. I have to get back to work on the runway. If you want to join me then that would be well appreciated.” He pulled away and this time I let him. I sighed and opened my eyes sitting up slowly. When I felt like I wouldn’t get sick I stood up and stretched falling forward slight when I felt dizzy. Chase caught me and made sure I was steady before letting me go.

“Welcome back.” I turned and looked at Akashi and Ashley. I smiled weakly at them.

“Forgive me if I worried you.” I turned to Chase and grabbed his hand. He went to protest but I just yanked on him making him follow me. When we in my room I closed the door behind me and leaned against it sliding to the floor. I closed my eyes and sighed when the tears began to fall.

“I hate to see you cry Tyler.” I wiped my cheeks, but made no other moves.

“Im honestly not doing this on purpose Chase. He left me...for a female.” I chuckled. “I never expected that, but hell when has Tavon ever done something I’ve expected.” Chase frowned at me.

Remember Me (boyxboy) Sequel to 'Be Mine'Where stories live. Discover now