Chapter 13

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Tyler P.O.V

“Wake up Tyler.” I groaned and opened my eyes.

“Why in the hell are you here so damn early?” Siya and Rain just grinned at me.

“We wanted to come and make sure that you were ready.” I sighed and rubbed my eyes sitting up.

“Where is Ashley and Akashi?”  Siya shrugged.

“They said they had to do some last minute shopping and they will meet us there.” I shrugged. “Are you excited about today?” I frowned at Rain.

“Its just another runway.” She shook her head.

“Your attitude just won’t do.” She lunged at me making us fall back in the bed with her on top of me. I sighed and pushed her off me. Siya frowned at me.

“What’s wrong Tyler?” I shrugged.

“I couldn’t sleep last night, so I’m tired as hell. I want to be happy today because its my birthday, and I want to enjoy with my friends. I’m going to be honest with you though. My birthday hasn’t been the same for last five years without Tavon there, and yet again I’m spending another year without him. hell I would even like my parents to show their faces. Its a shame they see me as a fucking mistake and I’m pretty sure the day I walked out was the day they forgot they had a son. So what is wrong with me my dear little Siya? I’m pissed off at my parents, Tavon, and a few choice people for making this day nothing but hell for me.”

“I really do wish I can understand how you feeling, but I-”

“Can.” Siya and I turned to look at rain. For the first time since I met her she looked…vulnerable. I sighed and pulled her to me.

“You know what forget I said anything. Now smile and get so happy so the both of you can help me get ready.” When Rain didn’t move and was still frowning I glanced at Siya. She smirked at me and I knew what she wanted to do.

“Hey Rain.” She looked up at me. I smirked at her before throwing her on the bed began to tickle her. Siya joined in, and in seconds the previous conversation was forgotten.  

“Alright team we have two hours until the runway begins. Jasmine, Lisa, and Christy will go and make sure everything within the sitting area is perfect. Tyler and  Zane will be assisting you with the girls in practice. I want them to be as comfortable with this as possible. Now for all my male models you will come with me. If anyone has a problem or if you’re not sure about something please come find me and only me.”

With that Chase turned and walked off with all the male models following behind him. I sat and watched as everyone else disappeared into their respective spots. When it was just Zane, the girls, and I left I sighed.

“Tyler are you ok?” I looked towards Zane.

“Yes now come on and let’s get these girls practicing before Chase comes back over here and see us doing nothing.” Zane nodded and led the girls to the area where they would be changing getting there make-up done. I followed behind them silently.

To be honest I didn’t want to be here. It wasn’t because of the show, the runway itself, or even the job I was doing. It was because of the location. Somehow Chase convinced lord knows who to do a runway in a park. Why is that so bad? It just so happened to be the park that Tavon and I spent so many days and nights at as children and even some of our teen years.

If you really want me to be honest with you, I was pissed at Chase for having it here. It was just another reminder of what I lost. It was just another reminder of how my world slipped through my hands, but this time I wouldn’t be able to get it back.

Remember Me (boyxboy) Sequel to 'Be Mine'Where stories live. Discover now