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Sage's P.O.V

"Where have the two of you been?"

My heart began to race rapidly. It was a woman's voice but I couldn't see who it was, big thanks to Jace's tall form.

"We were out, okay?, it's none of your business where we were" Jace said nonchalantly

Who was he speaking to like this? We literally got caught and he was being casual *internal face palm*.

"Move out of my way big guy" I lightly shoved him to the side

I released a sigh of relief when I saw Sierra. I mean imagine if it was that witch Rosalie. Speaking of her, I haven't seen her for a while. I hope she's rotting somewhere in a sewer.

"Oh it's you" and now I was sporting the same nonchalance as Jace.

"Like he said, we were just out" I shrugged.

She shook her head and then she had a look of realisation which confused me all the more.

"Did you really have to sneak out past midnight just to have your hair done? I would've done it for you silly" she smiled

Now I was at a loss for words

"What do you mean?" I looked at her like she had grown two heads

"Your hair is white? So I'm guessing that's what you went out for?"

I turned to look at Jace and he just pursed his lips and looked away

"When did you plan on telling me this you fart?"

He just scratched his head and before he could answer, I rushed to the bathroom and took a look in the mirror.

My hair had turned white completely. As if that wasn't enough, my irises had turned a deep shade of purple. I inched closer to the mirror to take a better look at myself. Everything else was normal except for my skin that seemed more pale than usual.

My reflection started to seem a little off. I could see a smirk tugging at my lips but I could've sworn I wasn't even Smiling. My reflection's hand quickly reached out and grabbed me by my neck, choking me in the process

"It's almost time, love. Promise you won't fight me?" She mockingly pouted

"No matter, you have no choice anyway"

My reflection morphed into my own with my hand wrapped around my neck. I dropped it and there was no sign of me being choked just a few moments ago. I splashed some water on my face, towel dried it and took in some deep breaths. I decided to keep the little incident to myself for now until I could figure out what the hell that was.

"Sage is everything alright in there?" Sierra called out

"Uhmm...yeah everything is f-fine"

I stayed a minute longer to compose myself before heading out

"So here's what's going to go down...if anyone asks about my hair you tell them Jace dyed It. I don't know why he would even but that's all I can think of"

Sierra gave me a look like she wanted to ask me more about it, but she held herself back and I was grateful for that. I wasn't really in the mood for questions.

"We'll imma leave you two to have some rest so goodnight"

I managed to let out a faint goodnight as she left our room, leaving us in silence for a few seconds until...

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't think it was a big deal"

"Oh you're sorry?" I scoffed

"Do you realise how big this is? I am literally changing into someone I'm not and I dont even know why this is happening so yes it's a big deal"

By the time I was done, I was heaving as fat, hot tears rolled down my face. Jace walked over and embraced me in a hug as I let it all out

"Why is this happening-why me?" I said between sobs

At this point, my fave was flushed but Jace didn't say anything and held me until I finally fell asleep in his arms.


The sunlight peaking through window woke me as It fell directly on my face. My eyes were definitely puffy from crying and I knew I didn't look my best at all. With a heavy heart, I got ready for the day and headed down for breakfast.

As expected, people gave me weird looks because of my hair and began to gossip, probably saying nasty stuff about me. Quite frankly, this pack was unkind towards me. I wonder how they'd react if they found out that I was royalty, they'd probably fake respect that's for sure.

Which brought me to my next thought. Why was I still here? I could've easily run away, taken over the throne and would've had Benjamin beheaded, but what was stopping me?......... Jace.

I couldn't just leave him here. I know how much trouble that would cause. Everytime I looked at Ben, I could tell that sick freak knew I knew about his hold over Jave and that was his silent hold over me. He knew I cared too much and he also knew the implications it would have on every other kingdom. Maybe that's why my father didn't do anything about him. Maybe he knew what was going on and hadn't yet found a way to avoid it so he kept quiet. Just how dangerous was Benjamin. It felt like people knew more than they were letting on. Damn when did my life get so complicated.

"Is this supposed to be some attention seeking stunt?"

I looked up from my food to see Rosalie gesturing towards my hair. I was beyond irritated and didn't need to deal with her nonsense.

"Can't you go be a slut somewhere else? I'm trying to eat here" I deadpanned

She was dumbfounded and I could see the rage burning in her eyes. Before she could say anything, I beat her to it

"What I don't understand is why the queen of Valeth is here wasting her time with a puny little alpha. Aren't y'all supposed to be like super smart?... I guess not"

I rose up from my chair too annoyed to continue with our little 'chat' and decided to change into my workout gear because I desperately needed to blow of steam. I quickly got changed but decided to take my time walking down the hallway.

As I passed the large mirror hung up on the wall, something caught my eye and guess what, My reflection wasn't moving with me. I stopped in my track and slowly shifted to face the mirror directly. My reflection was smiling at me.

"Can you not do that?"

"Do what"

"Stop taking over my reflection or whatever it is you're doing right now"

A little smirk tugged at her lips as she stared into my soul, okay I'm just exaggerating but I could swear she's seen it all.

"I'm not here to hurt ya sugah"

To that, I let out a big fat HA!

"You literally strangled me yesterday, I'm pretty sure you have already hurt me"

She rolled her eyes

"But I didn't leave a bruise did I?" She cocked a brow out me

"Oh my gosh can you just not be here"

I massaged my temples hoping to relieve some of the tension. I've really about had it with this day. She was about to say something outrageous probably before we heard some commotion outside

"Ooouu drama"

I ignored her completely and walked towards the window near the staircase. Peering out, I could see what was going on. At first it was all just a blur until someone familiar caught my eye. My father's right hand man, Derrick, was standing right outside the building.

Hey lovelies♥️

So👀what do you think of this chapter? I hope it's up to standard 💀😂 lol

Anyway I hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to vote and comment

Until next time ✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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