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Sage's P.O.V
     "Sage, wake up"someone lightly tapped my shoulder.
"five more minutes dad" I groaned.

      A few seconds later I woke up to somebody vigorously shaking me

  "I'm up! I'm up! geez can't you let a girl dream about lollies" I squinted, my eyes adjusting to the light.

    There in all his glory stood green eyes. I made a mental note to ask him his name later.

  "what did I do to have my sleep disturbed? Am I being punished for my wrong doings? If so, sleep deprivation is not the way to-" my histerics were interrupted by loud laughter. This guy had the nerve to laugh I mean come on guys sleep is no joke.

     We both turned our heads to a beautiful woman walking in. She had long, auburn hair with beautiful brown eyes. She walked so gracefully that she looked like she was floating. They met each others gazes with warm, loving smiles. She hugged him and gave him a passionate kiss leaving me with my mouth agape and eyes wide open that you might mistake me for a deer infront of headlights. They did it like I wasn't even in the room.

"Babe there's someone in the room" a blush crept on her face.

    Is this girl for real calling him 'babe', maybe she doesnt know his mate is infront of her, like hello do I need a sign that says: mate in the room. I was gonna enjoy seeing the reaction on her face when she finds out I'm his mate.

     He cleared his throat remembering my presence" Uhh...Sage, this is Rosalie, my.... luna"

and once again I looked liked a surprised gold fish. His words started to register in my head and I felt hurt, I just couldnt believe my ears

   "but...but I'm your mate please tell me this is all a joke" my voice broke. I felt so numb, so hurt

    " it's unfortunate that I was paired with you and not someone as beautiful as my dear Rosalie over here but I made things work, I chose her" he said replacing his sneer with a wicked grin

   "then why am I here it seems you've got everything covered" my voice came out small as I slowly reverted back to my shell from which my father worked so hard to get me out of after my mothers death.

      "that will be discussed later, you need to get aquainted with this place first and by the way my name is Benjamin Hale"he told me with a cold look

     " I didnt ask you.....ugh" I snapped. I had enough of this. I quickly got out of 'their room' as they started to kiss again.Even the thought of the room being theirs hurt. It was never gonna be him and I, just him and her.

       I didn't notice Jace walking with me "you're going the wrong way you know. The room you're staying in is this way" he pointed at the hallway I had just passed.

      I ran a hand through my jet black hair which reached just below my back. It really was one of my best features that also complimented my black eyes

    " I dont even know where I'm going in this god awful place" I said feeling frustrated and somewhat confused. What did I do to deserve this. One moment I'm happy then next everything's being taken away from me.

      We reached a grey door. It confused me because literally all the other dooors were black, but it was a win win. If I ever got lost I'd just look for the only grey door in the house. The room was smaller but it was to be expected. White furniture littered the room with hints of grey but something else caught my attention about the room, it smelled different in a good way like something of a different species lived here but I couldn't quite put my finger on it, I'd actually been smelling this scent all day.

     "You can take the couch if you want" Jace spoke up. The couch? What is he talking about

    " what do you mean the couch, Isn't this supposed to be my room?" This day just keeps getting more and more confusing.
   " I guess he didn't tell you" he muttered.

  " tell me what" I thought. 

      "how do I put this" he sighs " you are well aware not everyone is a fan of the royal family so you're target seeing as you're the princess" I  was confused

    "what does that have to do with me taking the couch",
  "if you'll let me finish, I've been assigned to guard you and before you ask, we're sharing my room because I wouldn't be able to reach you fast enough if someone tried to kill you if you stayed in a separate room" he said not looking happy about our little arrangement

   "well if you put it that way then I have no problem" I said not wanting to say much on the topic.

    He handed me a pillow and some beddings for my makeshift bed. He was out like a light immediately he fell on the bed.

     I let it all out and silently cried that night, I cried for my father and I cried for how horribly my life was going right now. Sleep later on consumed me and I was glad it did. It was the only time I wouldn't be consumed with recent events.


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