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Sage's P.O.V
   A sweet and peacful melody resonated off the walls of the gym as I hummed a lullaby my mother taught me when I was just a little under 5 years old. I could still hear her sweet voice as clear as day over and over again in my head as I got ready for my training session. I used training as a means to control my emotions, to clear my mind so as to not make irrational decisions and as of right now, I was a mess.

    Just as I began hitting the training dummy, Jace came in with a glass jar filled with what looked like gummy bears. He hurriedly closed the door and started stuffing his face. He didn't see me there, so I did the only rational thing I could do, I crept up behind him and screamed in his ear. He jumped up, screamed and started coughing

    "you almost killed me!" he said recovering from his coughing fit

   "but-you-should-have-seen-your-face" I said in between laughs, my stomach hurting from laughing too much. I composed myself only to start laughing again

   " ok ok, why were you stuffing your face?" I said stifling a laugh.

   Just then Sierra crossed the hallway shouting "Jace give me back my gummy bears or so help me god I will make sure you never see the light of day!"

   Jace motioned me to keep quiet and I did just that, I wasn't ready to face a fumming Sierra "I'm sure you now know why I was stuffing my face".

    Jace and I had gotten closer over the weeks. We became so inseperable like yin and yang, like pb and j, like- okay im sure you get the jist. He stayed a little longer to let Sierra cool off and we ended up sparring. He threw a punch and I easily dodged it moving backwards but he was quick and he triped me. I took this opportunity to trip him too and I quickly positioned myself on top of him, lightly holding his throat

     "you're dead" he stared at me with a gaze so intense.
  I could stare into his blue orbs all day. I was cut off from my daydreaming as Jace flipped me over, he was now on top of me doing exactly what I did to him

     "you're dead too. I guess were even now" he smirked.   
  Something about our position made me blush like crazy as his hot breath fanned my face. I felt like all the blood in my body was concentrated right on my cheeks making me look like a tomato.

    He leaned in closer like he was in a trance. His unique scent which I still couldn't quite put a finger on wafted through the air and hit my senses making me feel like I was on a whole new level of high.

     "Jace there you are. I still want my-- ohhh my, am I disturbing something or ya know, something?" Sierra came in bringing us out of our trance

     "uhhh.... no, not at all. We were just finishing up here" Jace muttered looking flushed with his hair all messy which I was totally digging by the way

     "okay I'll leave you too to you know, finish up" Sierra giggled at me and winked.

     She walked out muttering something along the lines 'I knew I smelt romance somewhere'.

    "so....I'm gonna go and like take a shower or something" I said rushing out of the room feeling flustered and embarrassed.

    Dinner was a nightmare. Sierra wouldn't stop teasing us about what happened earlier today. The pack always had dinner together so it was even more embarrasing when she teased us infront of everyone.

    "omg Gabby, do you know what a little birdy told me?, Jace and Sage were about to get it on with some lip actio--" Jace ubruptly stood up and went off clearly not enjoying this while I finished my dinner feeling even more embarrased than I was if that was even possible.

    I retired to bed warning Sierra to drop her teasing or else she would never hear the end of it. I was definetly going to get her for this. As if this day couldn't get any worse I walked in on Jace's shirtless form. He looked like he just got out of the shower with his hair dripping and all. One thing I could tell you is, he was sculpted to perfection, I end there.

     "Sage, maybe we should just act like today never happened and forget about it",

"yeah we should" I said but Jace was already fast asleep.

      I couldn't help but think of why all of a sudden Jace made me feel some type of way. He was my friend and all but there was something about him and I wanted to know what is. Maybe it was because we were different from the others, not quite fitting into our surroundings but we got each other. We were like two peas in a pod, the dynamic duo. One thing was for sure, I definetly wasn't getting any sleep tonight as today's events played over and over again in my mind.

Oh my gosh guys. This is my fourth chapter, hope you like it :)

dont forget to vote and leave your comments. I'd like to know what you think about this chapter.

Love you all ♡

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