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     With energy coursing through my veins I excitedly rushed to my father's bedroom to wish him a happy birthday. It was always him and I against the world. Even with his duties as the werewolf king he always found time to spend with his princess. As I approached his bedroom, I heard a loud cry then a thud. I rushed in without knocking and was horrified at the sight infront of me.

     My father lay in a pool of his own blood, his heart mercilessly ripped out and lying next to him, he looked pale and cold. I held his hand silently praying he would wake up and tell me everything was all right, that I was just having a nightmare.

     The floor board slightly creeked as I turned my head to see a black hooded figure lurking in the shadows, but before I could do anything, I was hit in the head with a heavy object. I shed a tear before I let the darkness consume me.

Sage's P.O.V
     I woke up in a dimly lit room with a splitting headache, My wrists sizzling, only then did I realise there were silver restraints holding me down, a werewolf's weakness. Ignoring the pain I looked around the room I was in. It resembled the torture chambers at my father's castle, a little light bulb illuminating light and various weapons littered on a table in the corner. The door, which I presumed was silver too, had a little window, greyish in colour.

     Memories of what happened came flooding back, me finding my father lying on the ground with his heart ripped out, it wasn't a dream after all. My heart clenched as a sudden wave of pain and anger washed over me, I was going to take reveng on whoever killed my father and kill them the same way they killed him but much worse.

     I was cut off from my murderous thoughts as heavy footsteps approached. I was curious to meet my captor. A tall guy, about 6'3 walked in. He had sandy blonde hair and these beautiful eyes as blue as the ocean, he was beautiful. He had an ' I dont want to be here' kinda look

  "he's probably just a pawn in all this" I thought.
    A mouth watering scent of pinewood and mint engulfed me, making my senses go haywire. Another tall guy about the same height as the other guy walked in. A pair of green eyes stared at me with an intensity so strong but I couldn't look away as one word floated in my mind: Mate.

     The blonde guy clearing his throat brought us out of our staring contest, he clearly had anywhere else to be rather than here.

    " do you know why you're here princess" the green eyed guy said in a deep, husky voice. I watched his muscly arms flex as he signed something to the blondy.

     "obviously not dummy" I said rolling my eyes as quickly as I realised the situation I'm currently in.

    Like seriously who kidnaps their mate. Why not come find me and say hi for a start not full blown kidnapping can you believe this guy. In a moment of daze, he was squeezing my neck not so much as to kill me but bruises were definetly going to form

   "that pretty little mouth of yours is gonna get you killed one day your highness" he's face had an angry look, alpha vibes radiating off him in waves probably angry at the lack of respect I showed him but his eyes looked pained at the thought of him hurting his mate. He let go making his face void of any emotion.

      "Jace take her to my room and make sure she doesn't escape" he walked out of the room oblivious to Jace glaring at him.
      Jace hastily removed the restraints off my wrists which looked awfully raw.

  "follow me" he grumbled.

     We were out of this awful room and into a greyish looking hallway. We climbed some stairs into this beautiful house wich had a grey and white theme and looked modern. You could tell it was a huge mansion not as big as the castle but still huge. Numerous stairs later we reached a black door. I was weasing by now due to the lack of a months worth of exercise. My father would be dissapointed. I winced at the thought of my dad but I shrugged it off. Now wasn't the time to think about him. I tried making small talk with Jace but the guy wasnt having it

      "so.... I assume you don't like Mr big bad Alpha.I dont like him either an he's my mate".

      Jace had a look that spoke 'drama's on the way'but he looked bored nontheless. He motioned for me to enter and warned me about the consequences of trying to escape. I waved him off as I stepped into the room.

       I was greeted with the familiar scent of pinewood and mint, this was probably green eye's room. The room was big and quite cozy might I had. It was white with hints of blue here and there just the way I liked it. I decided to take a shower to remove the sweat off me. My hair was in a tangled mess and it took me forever to get the knots out.I wrapped myself in a towel and headed to the walk-in closet which surprisingly had women's clothing. I picked out a white sports bra and a pair of grey leggings which smelt like honey and lavender. The thought of him with another woman angered me but then again in the time I've known him he hasn't given me a reason to not be angry. I plopped myself onto the soft bed right smack in the centre of the room. I could just melt on these sheets. I thought about the events that recently took place, my father dying and me being kidnapped as I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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