Heart fire

411 23 14

Jace's P.O.V

      I had just gotten back from Terasus. I hadn't anticipated that I'd actually have more time than I expected to see my family. I missed home but missed Sage even more. The thought of her got me all giddy and warm inside. I suddenly felt uneasy and with my feet having a mind of their own, they led me to the training grounds. The smell of sweaty wolves hit my overly sensitive nose but one scent stood out, sage was here.

      I could feel waves of energy as I got closer. Every wolf in the vicinity looked suffocated, like something was holding them back against their will, then...I saw her. Her jet black hair shown radiantly in the sun, but her eyes...her eyes were glowing a deep shade of purple as she held Benjamin's throat in a death grip. I took slow steps towards her. The power she radiated grew stronger. It was like I could feel emotion from it mostly hurt and pain. The purple colour in her eyes slowly faded and I could see her warm brown eyes. Her grip on him loosened then she collapsed. I quickly rushed to her side,

      "Sage, can you hear me?" I asked, my voice laced with concern. She groaned and fell in and out of consciousness. I picked her up bridal styled and told her she was gonna be alright before she fully blacked out. I walked toward the pack house and side glanced towards Benjamin who rubbed his very red neck. It would definetely stay red for long. My lips twitched in amusement at what Sage did to him. I looked at her sleeping form, her beautiful long lashes, her plump lips a deep shade of red in contrast to her pale porcelain skin: she was beautiful...MY beautiful princess.

      We reached our bedroom and I gently laid her down on my bed. Little beads of sweat trickled down her forehead as she began to shift in her sleep. I touched her forehead and she was burning up.

      Right then she burst into purple flames. I was taken aback. She was on fire but nothing was burning not even the bed she was on. Like in a trance, I walked towards her and reached out to touch her. Her flames were hot, but they didn't burn me the slightest bit. Her eyes flew wide open, purple eyes glowing vibrantly as the stared at me. She reached out with her left hand to cup my cheek

     "Bella anima (beautiful soul)" she whispered, her words directed towards me. She said nothing more but it felt like she said everything she needed to say and more. I didn't want her to let go. I wanted us to stay like this forever but I knew we couldn't. Her flames became smaller with each passing minute as she drifted back into unconsciousness. I missed her warm touch on my cheek. I knew she would be out for hours so I decided to step out and take a walk to clear my mind.

     Right on the other side of the door a huge bulky wolf stood there looking serious. I took a proper look at his face and recognised him as one of Benjamin's trusted wolves. I think his name was Brad. I rolled my eyes. I never liked the guy, always serious, he can't even take joke like Bruh.

      "What are you doing outside my room Brad?" I narrowed my eyes at him. He shifted slightly under my scrutinising gaze, how pleasant. He cleared his throat looking like he was on the verge of peeing in his pants. See that's the one thing about being royal that I loved, I could make the largest most fiercest men squirm like little children, really fun to watch if you ask me.

     "Alpha Benjamin is requesting your presence in his office" he said,though I knew it wasn't really a request but more of a demand. I rolled my eyes for what fell like the millionth time and said

      " what does that nuissance you call alpha want from me?" I was growing really close to just snapping the suckers neck and going ahead with my plans to take a walk like nothing happened.

      "Don't talk about my alpha in that tone" he looked so serious the poor guy. I giggled and almost burst out laughing but held myself together. I turned away from him and made a beeline for Benjamin's office but not before hearing Brad mutter something along the lines of 'bloody bastard'. To that, I let out a humerous chuckle.

      I kinda had a feeling I knew what he wanted to address: Sage's behaviour. That sneaky bastard probably had a plan alread stuck up his butt. You might ask why I haven't yet killed him yet but that fiend, with just a snap of his fingers could start a war with a lot of bloodshed and loss of life. I can't believe my grandfather could let a puny little wolf have such leverage on him but he's dead and everyone is suffering because of him. Even in death my grandfather managed to reek havoc. No one in the family ever really liked him, always making the most stupid mistakes that could've been avoided.

      I barged into Ben's office, plopped myself on the couch and opened up a bag of Lays crisps I'd found unattended to on my way here. He rolled his eyes at this and I just shrugged. I always made sure to show him the utter most disrespect I had for him even in the smallest ways possible. As if what I did wasn't enough, I chewed the crisps loudly and carelessly.

     "Stop your theatrics Jace and let's get to business shall we" he said, an underlying threat in his tone.

      I sat up straighter and put the bag of crisps aside. This was gonna be one hell of a morning I thought.

First of all I'm really really really really sorry for the late update. Schools reopened and I've been tired what with all the assignments and just generally lazy I guess *shrugs* *takes cover behind a tree*

Anyhoo.....What did ya'll think about Jace's P.O.V, a crazy fella he is ey?

Hope you liked this chapter☆

And don't forget to vote and leave your comments. I really appreciate constructive criticism.

Love ya♡

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