The past

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Sage's P.O.V

The sky was clear, void of any stars and clouds. It was an awfully quiet night, even the Crickets that chirped loudly couldn't be heard. I stared out through the window of our room, watching the thick canopy of the forest.

It had been a week since I finished my heat. I took longer to recover cause it was my first time going through it and I dreaded every second of it. I basically eye raped every unmated wolf and it drove Jace nuts. I mean you can't blame a girl for wanting to be done with it right? Anyhoo, I was currently waiting for Jace to come get me so that we could sneak out to go see old Cynthia. It really baffled me how one small tiny alpha like Benjamin could have such power over a prince for crying out loud. I felt like I'd really been underestimating him. What kind of information did he have hanging over Jace's head that he could make him bend over backwards. There really was more to him and I was going to find out sooner or later.

I could feel my mood shifting and darkening as I thought more about it. Who does he think he is trying to control our lives, it was a wonder why I hadn't killed him yet. A small tap on my shoulder brought me out of whatever trance I was in.

"Are you okay?"

There stood Jace in all his glory. He exuded the aura of royalty even in his plain black hoodie and grey sweats.

"Earth to Sage"

"Hmm- what?" I was so lost staring at his smile, so beautiful and enchanting.

"It's time to go. We've only got one shot at this and that's to sneak out when the patrols are changing shifts. security is usually weak around the borders during that time"

I wasted no time and quickly dragged him along down the stairs while simultaneously making a ruckus, it was a wonder we hadn't woken anyone up. We quickly masked our scents before heading out to the borders. Our timing was perfect cause we arrived when they were making the swap. It wasn't that hard to slip out, the patrols weren't necessarily the brightest in my book.

When we reached a safe distance, I turned away when Jace began to strip in order to shift. When he was done, I turned to face him and he gave me the most boyish grin a tiger could muster. I rode on his back and we were on our way. The walk to old Cynthia's place was enjoyable. Jace and I moved in a comfortable silence as we watched the scenery unfold, that and I couldn't really communicate with him in this form unless we were fully mated cause we were of different species.

Jace began to slow down as we approached what seemed to be an abandoned mansion. From the looks of it, I doubt anyone resided here but things aren't always as they seem. I got off his back and without warning he shifted back into human form and let me tell you when I said I saw everything, I meant it. I've never turned quicker than I did and he full on cackled

"You know very soon you're going to be seeing me like this a lot and I won't let you look away"

"What are you insinuating?" I narrowed my eyes at him and he just raised his eyebrow then winked.

My eyes grew as wide as saucers and I got as red as a tomato. I didn't even want to think about it, I was a hot mess. He quickly got dressed then proceeded to knock on the door. It was eerily quiet and I started to get chills, who knows what could be inside. Suddenly, the door creepily opened on its own and what I saw blew my mind. The interior looked beautiful, like one of those vintage houses, I was in awe. I quickly took a step back outside only to see the house looked abandoned then took another step inside and it looked all nice and homey.

"It's magic, she can't have people knowing she resides here if they ever stumbled upon this place, plus no one can get in unless she allows them to"

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