Fight me!!!

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Sage's P.O.V
    I couldn't sleep. I had woken up at 4am to go to the bathroom and poof, my sleep vanished just like, so I was lying on the chair while starring at the ceiling thinking of nothing really. One thing I've always hated was me waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and me trying so hard to keep my sleep only to end up lying awake for the rest of the night. Sleep was something I valued on a whole new level.

     My boredom levels were killing me as time seemed to move extra slow. I checked thd time and it was only 5:34 but I couldn't take it anymore.

    "Ughhhh this is killing me. I guess a little run wont hurt" and with my new found determination I decide to go for a run.

    I put on a pair of charcoal grey leggings and a black sports bra. I went to the kitchen, grabbed a random water bottle and filled it up. As if the evil witch sensed my happiness, Rosalie walked in with an evil smirk on her face. I felt like slapping it right off her face. I'd been avoiding her because she always tried to cause trouble for me, like hello, can she get a life far away from me or something.

    "How does it feel to have your mate taken away from you?" I could see an evil glint in her eyes. I felt a little pin prick on my arm which told me she was trying to state her dominance as a 'queen' and all. Even with my dad I always just felt a little pin prick, nothing else but I still respected him because he was my dad, otherwise, it didn't affect me.

     "Answer me" she looked angry at the fact that I didn't give a damn about what she was saying.

     "Im not in the mood for your theatrics. Have you considered the fact that I'm not answering you because you're not worth my time?" I was irritated and In a low, threatening voice I said "now move out of my way before I kill you and enjoy it" she held her neck like she was being suffocated, her face turning red. I tore off my gaze from her and she let out a shaky breath.

    "You!!!...... what did you do to me....,answer me!!!" She screamed still massaging her neck.

     "I haven't done anything to you.........yet" I just shrugged and walked out of there like I didn't know what she was talking about. I was shocked too actually, I know that I wasn't the one speaking. Its like something took over me and I could feel power radiate off me in waves, I wasn't in control. I couldn't dwell on it any longer and started to jog while admiring my beautiful surroundings.

    The sun was still rising, the perfect time to jog. I enjoyed the cool air of the morning as it caressed my face.I thought about Jace. I missed him so much. He had gone to run some errands for Benjamin and he would be paying a secret visit to his family,  that's if he finished his work before schedule. A sour expression crossed my features as I thought of what Jace previously told me. It didn't sit right with that someone I cared about had something like that hanging over their head. My anger suddenly flared up and I was running at an abnormaly fast pace. My breath became heavy and I came to a stop when I reached the training grounds. I put my hand on my knees as I tried to catch my breath.

     Right smack in the centre of the grounds, Benjamin was sparring with his Beta, Mason and they were laughing. He had the nerve to laugh when he was doing shady stuff. I glared so hard that I felt like my eyes would sink into my head and never come back. I didn't realise I was walking towards him until I came face to face with him. He turned towards me with his stupid grin which fueled my rage.

    "I didn't expect to see you here your highness" he whispered in my ear and I shivered in disgust.I stepped back and stood in a fighting position.

     "Fight me" I said through gritted teeth. He looked taken aback but soon caught on to what I was saying and got into a fighting stance. We started sparring, just doing simple stuff. I started to get more and more aggresssive as we went on. I started throwing punches straight to his face. He tried to stop me but energy surged through my body in waves as I kept hitting him brutally again and again. I was no longer in control of my body. His face was all bloody and mangled. Whenever someone tried to get me off of him, they would step back like something pushed them away. I held his throat like I wanted to drain the life out of him. I started to  regained control of myself and I felt so drained so I colapsed.

    "Sage? Can you hear me" I groaned. The voice was so familliar and warm. I couldn't form a proper sentence so I just groaned even more. I was in and out of consciousness. I could tell I was being carried, bridal style.

    "You're gonna be alright" was the last thing I heard before I fully blacked out.

What happened? Chapter six happened right here.

Sorry for the short chapter. Ok maybe all my chapters are short but this one is way shorter. I needed to get it out there but I wasn't feeling it, but I tried so don't stone me to death *hides behind a car*

Anyway hope you liked my failed attempt at a chapter *covers face* and dont forget to vote and leave your comments.

Love you♡

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