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Sage's P.O.V

     I could feel myself floating, all that surrounded me was darkness. An eerie silence swept across, my heart beat being the only sound I could hear. Suddenly, I was in a forest with trees so tall and the grass was a deep shade of green. It was quite serene. A little hut stood a few metres away from me. It was simple, really, nothing interesting about it. A petite woman emerged from the hut: she was breathtaking. She had these beautiful hazel eyes so bright and youthful, Her long locks of white hair shone beautifully in the forest light and fell in waves to just slightly below her butt. She had plump pink lips and skin so pale but so vibrant. Her giggles were so small and sweet, and she looked very happy.

     The forest became dark suddenly. I could feel a lingering sadness in the air, then anger, it was suffocating. The woman was standing Infront of a ridiculously tall tree. She was facing away from me but I could tell she was sobbing. I quickly stalked towards her and hesitantly put my hand on her shoulder. She turned around and I suddenly felt like I was in a trance. Her once hazel eyes were now a deep shade of purple. I could see a mixture of emotions swimming in her eyes: sorrow, pain, anger and the most prominent, hatred for something or someone. I was scared but I couldn't let go of her, In fact she made me feel safe in a way. She slowly brought up her hands and held the sides of my head. It felt like we were connected, I could feel every emotion of hers just as she could feel every emotion of mine. It's like we became each other but we're two different people at the same time.
   Her figure faded away into nothing and I was left standing alone in this large forest. I could still feel her presence inside me, I knew she was with me. A sudden thirst for revenge washed over me and I knew it was her. I knew it wasn't right and I wanted to speak but then she spoke up,

     "You can't reject me dear, I chose you for a reason. It's only a matter of time before I take over you completely and do what I have to do"

     Before I could ask her what she meant, I was back to floating in the empty dark space and a feeling of dread formed in the pit of my stomach, I didn't like this situation one bit.

    The room was dark except for the rays of moonlight seeping through the window. I felt a heavy arm draped over my waist, I slowly shifted and turned to see Jace sleeping. His hair was disheveled in the cutest way ever and I couldn't help but run my fingers through it. He was a heavy sleeper so he wasn't going to wake up. I studied his face, his beautiful long eyelashes that I was secretly jealous of  *cough cough*, he also seemed to have grown some stubble on his chin. I noticed the dark bags under his eyes like he hadn't been sleeping for days. I could watch him all night long but I had the sudden urge to pee. I moved his hand aside and went to the bathroom.

     I quickly did my business and stood Infront of the mirror. If I thought Jace looked bad, I was even worse. I basically looked sick. My eyes were so dull and they were dark all around. I washed my face and took a whiff of my scent which was horrible like I hadn't showered for days. I hopped into the shower and let the hot water run down my skin for a few minutes before I started to scrub off the sweat and dirt. It took me 30 minutes but I was finally done. I wore a white pair of pyjama shorts and a navy blue tank top. I brushed my damp hair until I deemed it okay then went back into the bedroom. Jace was still heavily asleep even with the ruckus I made. I slid into the sheets and a still sleeping Jace pulled me close and hugged me like I was a teddy bear. Who knew this big guy liked to cuddle. A wave of sleep washed over me and I gave into it, I really needed the rest.

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