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Sage's P.O.V
Moonlight seeped through the window, casting a beautiful shade of natural light. I lazily gazed out of the window as random thoughts crossed my mind. I couldnt get a wink of sleep as the feeling that something was about to go down grew deep in the pit of my stomach. I always got weird sensations that put me on edge, but there was nothing I could do until the thing happened.

I had woken up to Jace leaving the room, saying he needed some water or something, but it had been 30 minutes ago. I gazed at the forest through the window, It gave me a sense of nostalgia. I really missed shifting into my wolf even though I'd only done it once. My father told me my wolf was larger than normal, even larger than his and he was the king so that said something. He never really told me much, only that my wolf was too wild and that I needed to learn how to control her before she become out of control. My father had been helping me keep her at bay, but now that he was gone, I could feel her claw at me for control and it was getting out of hand.

Movement caught my eye at the edge of the forest. I could see a white silhouette of what looked like an overgrown cat. It was pacing like it waited for something or someone. Just then, I saw Jace move towards it. It didn't seem fazed by his actions, in fact, it tackled him and started to lick his face. Jace petted it while looking zoned out. I figured they were comunicating through a mind link or something. They soon dispersed an I quickly pretended to be asleep, making sure to slow down my breathing. Jace walked in, his breathing slightly heavy. I got a whiff of a foreign scent on him. It smelled much like his but different in its on unique way. I still couldn't desribe his scent but it always drove my senses crazy. The next morning he went about his day like nothing took place but I didn't confront him yet, I decided to watch him and see if last nights events would reoccur and they did.

This went on for about five days straight. He always came out of the room at 11:00 PM and came back at 11:40 PM of which he spent ten minutes interacting with the creature. I know I probably seem like some creepy stalker but whats a girl got to do when her bestfriend is secretly meeting up with some cat-like beasts, I mean that thing was huge, so, I decided to confront him when he came back.

"I've been watching you" Jace yelped a little when he heard me
"sneaking out, meeting some creature, doing it in secret, I've witnessed it all from this very room we're in. So I want you to tell me everything right now and I'll know if you're lying so please spare me". We sat in silence for about five minutes as he seemed to recollect his thoughts

"well....... I'm from Terasus" then it clicked.

The unique scent, I had smelt it before when my father and I had gone to discuss some business with ther rulers of Terasus, the tiger people (P.S_ I just came up with the name Terasus and Teraz is what you call the people of Terasus).

They were slightly larger than normal tigers and had more defined features

"but tell me this, you're not just a regular teraz are you" he was quite hesitant to answer

"no........ I'm part of the royal family, next in line to the throne, and the tiger you saw, that's my sister Azria. She comes here to check up on me and gives me updates on what going on in the kingdom" he looked distant

"but what I don't understand is why you're here in wolf teritory. Aren't you supposed to be training to take your place as king?" I was beyond confused now.

"What I can tell you right now is that your mate is an evil, selfish being who craves power and will stop at nothing to get it, even replace his mate, you. Rosalie is the queen of Valeth. They are like humans but ten times smarter and stronger. Benjamin is just using her to control her kingdom and with the dirt he has on my grandfather Stefan against her people, he can control what goes on in my kingdom".

I was dumb struck. How did my father not know about alpha Benjamin's misdeeds behind his back, surely he would have brought him to justice. Jace brought me out of my thoughts

"you best be careful about your kingdom princess, I know he's planning something bigger than all this and its not good, you watch your back and don't tell anyone about this, please",
"don't worry I won't".

My mind couldn't process what he said so I asked the only thing I could think of

"so......can I like see your tiger, I mean you dont need to show me if you don't want to I'm just ask-" he cut me off

"follow me".

We were currently standing at the edge of the forest and I was ecstatic. I'd never seen a teraz shift which made me a little nervous. Jace started to strip and I averted my virgin eyes, I never looked at people when they were shifting. I heard his bones realign then it went quiet. I turned to see this big, no, humongous white tiger stare at me. He was such a majestic beast and as if his eyes couldn't get any more blue, they did.

"Wow, this is beautiful" I petted him which earned me a purr of delight.

He looked so cute as a tiger but also fierce you know. He motioned me to get on his back and I held on to his soft, silky fur. He took me around the pack teritory which looked more beautiful and seemed peacful at night. We reached the pack river, its waters still and quiet. We sat there just thinking, each one lost in thought as we unknowingly cuddled. I was just happy that he trusted me enough to share all that with me, and even if he didn't tell me everything he knew, I was still happy. Sleep soon overcame me as I drifted of into a deep slumber unaware of the tiger carrying me back to our room.

Sup guys. Sage finally knows what Jace is,

But................she's yet to find out just how evil Ben is, hehe.

It took me long enough to write this chapter but I did it *does a happy dance*

Dont forget to vote and leave your comments on what you think about this chapter.

Love you♡

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