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Sage's P.O.V

Restless. I felt restless. I tried my best to sleep in cause I was so tired and I was failing miserably. Ha! That's what you get for being a morning person. Usually around this time I'd be training with my dad. Tears welled up in my eyes as I remembered I wasn't gonna see him again, I didn't even get to say good bye to him properly......

My. Muscles. Were. Killing. Me!!! Dad had been training me since 5 In the morning and the sun was almost setting. I was hungry and had been surviving on water all day. I'm pretty sure if I weren't a werewolf my body would have shut down for a week or so.

"Dad how much longer" I whined " I'm so hungry I'm pretty sure I'm close to dying, I can see the light, it's calling me home" I gasped, dropping to the floor dramatically.

I took a little peek at my dad and saw him roll his eyes but I didn't miss the little smile gracing his lips.

"Get up baby girl were almost through"

I groaned not being able to keep up anymore. He held out his hand to me and I took it almost stumbling as I got up

"As the future leader of the werewolves you must learn that patience is endurance because without patience you won't have the heart to endure" he gave me a serious look.

Every training session, dad would always have an important lesson of life to teach. More determined than ever, I got into a fighting position and told him I was ready. With my new found energy I threw an unexpected punch but my dad dodged it easily. I grunted


I cried until I had no more tears left. I needed to find my father's murderer and make them suffer like they made him. I vigorously wiped my tears deciding I was hungry and brushed my teeth. I went to the kitchen and decided to make me some oats when Jace walked in. I would be lying if I said just the sight of him didn't affect me. His mouth watering scent of chocolate and roses wafted through the air and I couldn't help but bite my lip. He didn't miss my actions and smiled that genuine breath taking smile that could melt you into a puddle of rainbow goo. Oh my gosh sage keep it together girl, purge yourself of such thoughts.

I cleared my throat "are you looking for something?"

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm looking for the cereal"

He began walking towards me and I could swear my heartbeat sped up. Only now did my mind decide to notice he was shirtless and the first thing that came to my mind was damn. He came so close that I thought he was gonna kiss me only for him to reach behind me to get the cereal. It took him forever to move away and I was getting more flustered by the minute. I could see a little smirk tugging at his lips as he quickly made his cereal and left the kitchen, leaving me a hot mess. Is my hormone meter broken cause they're surely out of control.

I quickly got back to making my oats, had my breakfast and left . A sudden wave of pain surged through my body and I couldn't stand any longer. I screamed in anguish as I fell to the floor.

I could faintly hear Jace calling out my name and I felt heat spread throughout my body. I was burning. He gently lifted me, took me to our room and gently placed me on the bed.

I saw him sniff the air like he was searching for something. I looked at him quizzically as he sniffed in my direction and froze then groaned while running his hands through his hair which was hot if you asked me.

Jace was hot.

"You're in heat" he stated

I looked at him funny until it clicked and my mouth formed an 'O' shape. That explained my homomal behaviour. Somehow looking at him was distracting me from the pain and heat my body was giving out

"What am I supposed to do, I've never been in heat, I always just thought I would never get it after I turned 16" my body was screaming at me, begging me to do something.

He sauntered into the bathroom and I heard the faucet turn on. I guess he was filling up the tub. He came back and carried me to the bathroom. He started to peel of my clothes and I could feel his cold touch on my burning skin. I was left in my underwear and I didn't miss the darkening of his eyes. He placed me in the ice cold water which relived me for the most part. He was about to leave but I held his hand

"Stay with me a little while please" I was practically begging

He didn't say anything as we stared into each other's eyes. Like in a trance we began to inch closer to each other until we kissed. Fireworks exploded in my tummy and it was like nothing I've felt before. It was my first kiss and it was simply amazing. I let him take the lead since I had obviously never done this before, My toes curled and I ran my hand through his hair as the kiss got heated. I never wanted it to end but we had to breathe at some point.

We broke apart to look into each other's eyes and...

"Mate?" I was stunned and I couldn't believe what I just said. I didn't miss his jaw clenching. There was a pregnant pause before he spoke up,

" But how?....the teraz dont have mates... we just choose"

"But wolves do have mates" I said thoughtfully.

As if my life couldn't get any weirder then this happens. Did it mean I had two mates or my bond with Benjamin just magically broke. My temperature had gone down and Jace helped me out of the tub. He left me to dry up and get dressed. To many thoughts were running through my mind. How did this happen and why? Could it be connected to the lady in my dreams? No, things didn't just add up at all.

I spent the next few days cooked up in my room. I couldn't leave cause every unmated male would want to mark and mate me. Sierra came to visit me everyday to check up on me and keep me company. I was currently sitting by the window eating crisps and looking at the rain pour. Thunder rumbled loudly, putting a smile on my face as it always seemed to put me at ease.

A soft kiss was placed on my cheek and I immediately knew who it was. I finally smelt Jace's mouth watering scent, ughh!! I'm melting right now. We hadn't yet talked about how to move forward with our relationship yet because someone couldn't be in the same room with me without trying to jump me. Heat is so annoying imagine a bunch of unmated males trying to jump your bones

"Sage are you listening?"

"Hmm? what? sorry go on" I watched his blue eyes light up with amusement and adoration as he looked at me

"I was saying we need to go see old Cynthia. Maybe she can tell us what's going on"

"Who is she?"I asked

"She's one of the remaining five foretellers in the supernatural world. Not many know she's alive for her own safety of course"

"So when do we meet her?"

I don't know, I'm still trying to contact her"

Jace began to shift where he was standing and I could see his eyes darken. He quickly excused himself and left me cackling in a fit of laughter. He was gonna be the death of me. I remembered when we first kissed and I couldn't forget how soft his lips felt against mine,I was in for a long ride.

Hi guys🥺 how've you been?😌

Your girl here just graduated 💃🥳but now I'm prepping for final exams in a week and some days time😭#sad life✌️

Anyhoo😂I hope you enjoyed this chapter😉😏I tried to make it as heated as I possibly could😂

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Peace y'all ✌️♥️

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