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     My heart was racing, adrenaline coursing through my veins as I was being chased through the woods. I reached a river with with a current so fast, my only choice was to jump in. I found myself in the castle, right infront of my dad's bedroom, the door slightly ajar. I cautiously steped in with an all too familliar feeling.

     The floor was painted in a dark shade of blood. A beating heart lay across the room in its own puddle of blood. Suddenly, the air was knocked right out of me and I couldn't breathe. I could make out a figure of a man, nothing else. He was choking me
   " it's your turn to die" he shot me a menacing look as he lifted his free hand.

   I realised he was going to rip out my heart. I let out a helpless cry as I stared into his green eyes that looked so familiar. He pushed his hand through my chest and gripped my heart........

Sage's P.O.V

    I woke up gasping for air as beads of sweat trickled down my face. I ran my hands through my hair and let out a breathy sigh as I looked at my surroundings and realised I was in Jace's room. My gaze landed on his sleeping form. The little rise and fall of his chest told me he was still asleep and hadn't heard my gasping noises. The moonlight coming through the window fell straight on his face, he looked younger than he is and more peacful which brought a small smile to face. I lay back down on the couch trying to forget about the dream. The peculiar smell of this room calmed me down and I soon fell asleep.

     I woke up with a throbing headache and bags under my eyes, I basically felt like crap, I was drained. My week wasn't any better, what with my reoccurring nightmares and Benjamin and Rosalie's public display of affection. Everyone loved her. She seamed like a pretty good luna but I saw right through her. She gave people dirty looks behind their backs and her aura just disturbed me a lot. Jace seemed to be troubled a whole lot too.

     "I can't take this anymore" Jace barged in the room

   "Sage, all you've been doing this past week is sulk and its killing meee" he said dragging the last word

    " so, I've decided to take you to the annual bonfire with me which is held a week before the full moon. Don't get me wrong, I'm just worried you're turning my 'lair' into mope town, like I can literally feel the sadness radiate of you, it's weird" he feigned seriousness.

    A small smile crept onto my face It was so sweet of him. I'd only met him last week and he was already trying to cheer me up

    "so, shall we?" He held out his hand for me and smirked
"we shall" I said feeling happy that someone cared about my well being.

     We reached a small clearing in the woods behind the house. Some people sat around a huge fire wihle others mingled elsewhere. I realised I never met any of the pack members. A short brunette approached us

    "sup Jace" Jace smiled at this and returned her greeting

"you're new here aren't ya" she turned to me

     "uh yeah I'm Sage" I stretched out my hand to greet her but she pulled me in for a hug

    "it's so nice to meet you" her enthusiasm was shocking
"now now Sierra you can't go giving people you just met bone crushing hugs" Jace rolled his eyes

     "I'm so sorry. You know my mum always told me I've always been hyper like I'm on a sugar rush or something" Sierra apologised.
     "No no its fine".This put a smile on her face

" come along I want you meet some of my friends. You dont mind if I steal her from you Jace" before Jace could answer we were long gone. Her friends were super nice.  

      The highlight of our night was when Rosalie fell face flat trying to strut her stuff. Jace and I couldn't keep a straight even though everyone else was serious. When we got to our room we couldn't hold it in and laughed till our stomachs hurt.

      "Did-you-see-her-face-she-was-so-embarrassed-the-whole- night" Jace said laughing between words.

   " Jace thank you for everything. You've really cheered me up" I said

   " dont mention it. You know, I couldn't let you spread your sadness everywhere" and for the first time in days, I actually had a goodnight sleep with no nightmares.

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