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moving on

   «WHY DONT WE TRY THIS one more time,» The older woman spoke as she opened her notebook for the tenth time during their weekly session, scribbling something down

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«WHY DONT WE TRY THIS one more time,» The older woman spoke as she opened her notebook for the tenth time during their weekly session, scribbling something down. Leah scrunched her nose. The sound of the pen dancing across the paper made a heavy feeling settle inside her already tight chest.

«I don't get what you want me to say,» She replied after a moment.

«Anything! Anything that would help me understand you would be highly appreciated. You've been coming here for the past six months and we never get anywhere. The time you don't spend looking into the wall; you spend joking around,» Dr. Raynor went off on the smaller female. She was fed up and exhausted, but that didn't bother Leah. She just sat quietly, staring intensely at Christina's blouse as silence fell over them.

«I don't even want to be here. I'm forced to come here, even if I don't have any issues. I haven't broken any law or disobeyed any orders,» Leah finally spoke as her eyes met with hers.

«You were gone for five years. When you came back you watched your father die. You found out he wasn't the only one to leave— Natasha died too and then Steve disappeared without telling you. You came back to a completely different world and you are going through traumatic changes—»

Leah quickly pushed herself up from the uncomfortably soft couch, «death happen every single day. Things change. I'm here because they think I'm too unstable— that I'm too dangerous. I don't have super strength. I'm good with knives and have an eye for technology and yes— I do have the ability to turn invisible but that doesn't change a thing.»

«I'm doing perfectly fine. I enjoy going on insignificant lunch dates with my friends— who suddenly have kids and a family to take care of. I see no issue going for long strolls in town while society is rebuilding itself. I shouldn't be here, you should talk to someone with actual problems,» Leah told her, her hand twisting the wooden door open, hearing her therapist groan behind her.

Leah stopped in her tracks as she nearly slammed into Bucky's chest. She didn't recognize him at first and she quickly realized he had gotten a haircut. He looked right back at her. He didn't look surprised to see her there. No one had heard from her— although Sam had been keeping tabs on her. Bucky had figured out they were visiting the same doctor months ago. He made sure to schedule his appointments after hers, her name written neatly in the book Steve had given him.

«Are we having couple's therapy?» Bucky sarcastically asked as he walked past her, sitting down where she had just been sitting.

Leah rolled her eyes as she went to exit the door again, «If you exit that door, I'll give them a reason the arrest you.» Dr. Raynor spoke.

A loud sigh left her parted lips, her hands clenching into tight fists. She slammed the door shut, the sound echoing inside the spacious room. She walked over to the opposite side of the couch and for a brief moment her skin flickered between visibility and invisibility. She struggled to control her ability, her emotions affecting it more than she'd ever admit. She sat as far away as she could from the former assassin, slowly becoming visible to their eyes again.

«You know I wasn't actually serious,» Bucky started to protest as he didn't feel comfortable sharing his struggles with someone else. He was closed off— just like Leah.

The older woman waved him off, dismissing him as she looked directly at Leah. She took a deep breath before she spoke. «Tell me one thing that's eating you up right now and I'll let you go.»

Bucky glanced down at her curiously. It felt strange for him to see her, especially after everything that had happened. They had never really been close to one another. He wasn't sure he had ever had a conversation with her.

Leah kept her eyes focused on Christina, slowly chuckling as she brushed her hair back, searching her brain for something to say. Her brown eyes were hard, devoid of any emotion.

«You really wanna know what's eating me up?» She finally said, both of them nodding in response.

«That we live in a time where it's acceptable to put pineapple on pizza,» She said under her breath before exiting the room. Bucky's eyes lingered over her petite figure as a small smile played over his lips.

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