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THE MOMENT LEAH HAD gotten back to her room, she had been thinking non-stop about the super soldiers serum and how Walker might have the last vial of it

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THE MOMENT LEAH HAD gotten back to her room, she had been thinking non-stop about the super soldiers serum and how Walker might have the last vial of it. The more she thought about it, the worse it got. She knew that if he really had access to it, he wouldn't give it up for anything— he was too insecure to not give in to it.

If he had the last dose and took it, Leah felt like it would be on her; that it would be her fault. She couldn't sit around and do nothing, especially not when she had a choice.

She couldn't tell Bucky or Sam. Leah had overheard their conversation earlier that night and found out that Karli had threatened Wilson's sister. Sam had enough to worry about and Leah figured they would just be disappointed with her. The thought of disappointing them made her heart ache inside her chest.

It had been a couple of hours since Leah and Bucky had stood in the kitchen. Her eyes rested over the ceiling as she had spent the past few hours struggling to fall back asleep. She saw it as a sign and pushed herself out of bed, running purely on adrenaline.

She started to get ready to leave. The female brushed her dark hair throughly as she stood in front of the mirror. She decided to not put it up in a pony tail as she allowed the soft strands of her hair to fall over her shoulders for a change. The fortunate thing about not having the ability to see colors, was that the choice of clothes was easy. She didn't have to worry about matching colors or how they blended together.

Leah reached down to tie her shoe laces, her eyes moving across the room for a moment as she made sure she hadn't left a mess after her. She had even made her bed, which she usually never bothered to do— something Tony used to complain about a lot when she lived under the same roof as him.

Her small hand instinctively moved up as she gripped the pendant of her necklaces that she had been gifted by her father at an early age. She had never taken it off and she never would, the small piece of jewelry having a large sentimental value. She found herself holding onto it a lot lately.

A small breath of air left her parted lips as her hand moved off the pendant and down to the pocket of her pants. She pulled her phone out, knowing she had easy access to all the files and information that she would need to locate John and Lemar.

Leah stepped out from the room with small and quiet steps, her eyes resting over the screen of the phone the whole time. Her tired eyes skimmed through the latest mission report and she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows as she noticed that John and Lemar were both chipped with trackers. An amused smile played over her lips, realizing that the government didn't even trust their self-proclaimed Captain America.

She slipped her phone back into the pocket of her pants as she walked towards the front door. She was seconds away from exiting the door when she suddenly realized she couldn't just leave without letting them know where she was. The brunette headed to the kitchen, reaching over the kitchen island to retrieve a pen and a piece of paper.

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