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the necklace

LEAH'S EYELIDS FELT like heavy bricks as she tried to open them, her chest burning painfully as she inhaled and exhaled heavily

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LEAH'S EYELIDS FELT like heavy bricks as she tried to open them, her chest burning painfully as she inhaled and exhaled heavily. She was barely conscious, unaware of her new surroundings as the only thing the dark haired girl could remember was that she had rested her eyes briefly after Bucky had left to help Sam with the super soldiers.

A small breath of air left her dry lips as she blinked a couple of times, trying to regain consciousness. She was still overwhelmed by all the different colors—as well as the aching pain from where her body had been hit. Her heart felt heavy in her chest and the taste of blood filled her mouth.

Her bruised hand subconsciously held onto the pendant of her necklace. Her dark eyes tried to scan her surroundings, attempting to understand where she was as she searched for anything that could help her. She slowly understood that she was in another cell; one that was darker and even smaller than the previous one, but without metal bars hanging from the ceilings. In the background, there was a faint buzzing from a TV showing the News in a language that was unfamiliar to her.

Leah's eyes closed again as she heard a few voices in the distance. The palm of her hand touched the cold floor as she pulled herself into a fetal position, trying to keep herself from falling apart.

She was slowly losing touch with reality as her eyes kept closing in exhaustion, her hand never leaving the pendant hidden inside of her fist. It was the only thing she could hold onto— the only thing that could keep her grounded and feel secure. Her fingers clung onto it like it was the last good thing in the entire world; like it could save her.

The safe and secure feeling didn't last long as she felt something hit her side. Her eyes opened widely, closing quickly as there was bright lights positioned above her head. Her hand tried to cover the lights— but she couldn't move, not even the slightest. The setting had changed again and everything was moving in a slow haze as the female felt something enter her bloodstream, making her feel different.

The new room was large, fitting a dozen of people. Most of the people inside the room appeared to be wearing lab coats, a handful of them were staring at Leah, some of them even taking notes. There was a constant beeping sound and people talking among themselves. Her eyes rested over the ceiling briefly before she let them slide across the room, realizing that she was in some sort of laboratory.

«Mom?» Her voice let out, barely coming out as a whisper, her surroundings reminding her of one she had tried to leave behind in the past.

«You're awake,» A voice said, ignoring her words. Leah couldn't help but think that it sounded like the person was miles away.

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