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    The months of February and March flew by in a whirlwind

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    The months of February and March flew by in a whirlwind. Lucy had spent the last two months diligently helping Draco with the Vanishing Cabinet, and trying to handle the heavy load of homework that she was drowning in.
However, whenever she was around the Malfoy boy, she could not help but to be in high spirits. He had a way of constantly staining her cheeks with the rosiest of blushes, and causing her to smile at the most incredulous statements. Between classes, it was not uncommon for him to whisk her away to an empty classroom or broom cupboard to remind her that she was all his. Lucy certainly did not mind this, but was prompt to remind him that they were Prefects, after all.

"Thank Merlin it's the weekend," stated Blaise as he stifled a yawn over his plate of eggs and sausage. "I honestly don't think I could write another Transfiguration essay, even if my life was on the line,"

"Seriously mate? Half the time you just copy mine!" Theo retorted, biting into his piece of toast he had stacked sausages onto. His girlfriend Daphne sat beside him quietly. She had long locks of straw colored hair and a bored expression upon her face. According to Theo, the two did not talk much, and had more of a 'physical relationship'.

"Yeah? Try being in Ancient Runes at the N.E.W.T level. It's bloody horrible," groaned Lucy, stabbing her eggs rather aggressively.

Suddenly, whispers began to spread through out the Great Hall like wildfire. Students were glancing around curiously and pointing. Lucy, like every other student, craned her neck to see what exactly the fuss was about.

"Bloody hell, it's the girl that was cursed!" Arielle gasped dramatically, peering over to the Gryffindor table where a dark-haired girl had just sat down. A group of garnet-clad students swarmed around her like bees to honey.

Lucy felt her heartbeat quicken as she glanced over to the Gryffindor table. She tried her best to keep her nerves and expression calm, despite the glare that she was receiving from Hermione. Meanwhile, she realized that Potter was not in his usual seat, but instead was speaking to the girl that had been cursed further down the table.

Right at that moment, her eyes caught a familiar flash of pale blonde, and noticed Draco striding over towards the Slytherin table. She watched as his stormy blues wandered to the boy at the Gryffindor table, and he froze in his tracks. Lucy craned her neck to see Potter staring the blonde down with discontent. Fear began to bubble inside the girl as Draco's cerulean eyes flicked over to her own with panic before turning abruptly on his heel. Immediately, Potter sped after him, and Lucy cursed the boys for being so athletic. She abruptly pushed her plate away from her and stood up nervously, brushing off her pleated skirt. Her friends sent her odd looks as she did so.

"Er—I have to go—" she hurriedly told the group sitting beside her before scurrying out of the Great Hall after the two boys. She urgently scanned the chamber outside the hall, desperately looking for a sign of either of them.

"Hi Lucy, what's wrong?" Pansy asked curiously as she trotted over to her.

"Have you seen Draco?" she quickly demanded, fiddling with the hem of her uniform blouse, with anxiety building in her chest.

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