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Two weeks passed after the fallout of Potter's escape

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Two weeks passed after the fallout of Potter's escape. Every single person had been tortured by Voldemort, and none had been shown mercy. The entire family had been put on strict house arrest by the Dark Lord as punishment for their failure. Meanwhile, Lucy's leg was on the mend other than the fact the muscle was sore if she walked around too much.

The house arrest was miserable. Lucy couldn't stand being cooped up alongside Bellatrix and her horrible attitude much longer. Lucius was no better as he moped around the Manor.

Lucy and Draco opted to spend most days locked up in the library or his bedroom. However, one day, Draco had an idea as Lucy flipped through a novel by Bathilda Bagshot.

"We should get away from here," suggested Draco. "I'm tired of living like this, I never asked for any of it,"

"Where would we go?" she wondered, closing the book and setting it on the table in front of her.

"There's a cottage," Draco drawled. "Mum and Dad bought up in the mountains. We'd be safe there—hidden,"

"What about food?" countered Lucy.

"We'll start stocking up—taking it from the kitchens. After long enough, we can manage going into the village I reckon,"

Lucy chewed on her cuticle worriedly. "Say we do it, what will your parents think?"

"I don't give a damn about what they think!" Draco exclaimed hotly. "You nearly died, Lucy. I already lost you once. I won't lose you again,"

"What we really need," she continued, dropping her tone. "Is to find a way to escape,"

"It's not possible. We'd be killed,"

"Fake our deaths?" she suggested.

"Too obvious,"

"Become Animagus?"

"Now you're just making shit up, Armstrong,"

She shrugged, folding her arms across her chest.

"So, a cottage?"

"In the Scottish Highlands,"

"Sounds romantic," Lucy joked slightly, earning a scoff from Draco.

"Let's start packing. We'll leave in a couple nights,"

✧・゚: *✧・゚✧*:・゚✧

During the dead of the night, Draco shook Lucy awake.

"Are you ready?" he asked, his arm wrapping around her torso.

Lucy nodded, slipping out of bed. The two silently got dressed in the warm robes they had laid out. Draco's trunk had been meticulously packed with everything they could need, alongside Lucy's satchel still full of cluttered items from her time with Arielle and Blaise.

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