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'oh god oh god oh god' I repeated in my head pretending that he wasn't walking towards me. "uh hah yeah maybe" I leaned on the table nearest to me. "newbie?" he asked. "Yeahhh" I dragged on.

He laughed. "you're cool. I hope I see you at the campfire tonight" He walked off and winked. I was processing what had just happened.

I went back to our cabin and most of the girls were taking a nap so i sat on my phone watching my friends have fun on vacation. For once I wasn't jealous of them.
About 2 hours passed and the girls woke up. Everyone started going to the campfire and I followed. There was actually wasn't a lot of people. "Newbie!" Louis waved from the lake. I waved back.

"The fuck?" Liv asked. I laughed nervously. "WHAT WAS THAT" Liv whispered loudly. "I'll explain later" I said back. i then saw a blonde girl walk up to louis and kiss his cheek. hmph, he has a girlfriend?

time passed and the counselor came over "Alright, lights out!" Camp counselor Terry said. "Oh, before you all go. You have a new junior counselor. This is Mabel." Mabel?? As in the early morning clerk at the mini mart down the street from my house?!

Mabel waved to all of us. "Ok now go back to you're cabins little delinquents!" Counselor said funnily. as everyone ran up the hill giggling. "Mabel?" "Dani?" We laughed. "Well nice seeing you" I ran off.

I arrived at our cabin. everyone was  going to bed already. so I waited until Liv came back from the bathrooms. "uh what happened over at the campfire?" liv sat on my bed. " i talked to louis after we finished eat in the cafeteria." liv looked at me like i was crazy and climbed up to the top of her bed. i rolled my eyes playfully.
[sunday morning, 6AM]

I woke up to a loud voice from a loudspeaker outside of our cabin. with heavy eyes i sat up and saw everyone else heading to the bathrooms. liv somehow slept through the announcement. "liv. liv, liv wake up" i said annoyed. "huh? ugh" she climbed down from her bed.

"i'm gonna head to the bathroom" liv said. "i'll come with" walking down the stoney rocky hill with no shoes on because i forgot them. so jet lagged and it's only the second day of camp.

I finished in the bathroom and went to go wash my hands. oh great, it's the  blonde girl from last night. "oh! i'm sorry am i i'm you're way?" the girl moves away from the sink. "oh no, you're fine" i
smiled. "i'm Lulu" she dried her hands. "i'm Dani" i threw the paper towel in the trash. "your cool, sit with me at breakfast?" i looked at the ground and then back up. "yeah sure, if it's ok with my friends" i laughed.

hm she was actually kinda nice. "hey you ready for breakfast?" Sadie walked up to me. i nodded in reply. Liv followed.

I got a tray from the stack and moved down the line of people. "hey! over here" Lulu yelled out. shit shit shit. louis is at that table. i slowly walked over and set my tray down. "hey newbie" Louis said with a mini smirk. man, that accent is KILLING me. "hey" I murmured. "what's you're actual name?" a boy said from the end of the table. "i'm dani. with an i" i stabbed my fork into the marmalade.

"cool, i'm jack" he waved excitedly. i looked behind me to see Liv shrugging at me. i frowned a bit and turned back around.

sorry liv.

A/N: I wanna start making my chapters a bit longer. so i hope you liked this besties🤣‼️💯

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