💐 goodbyes💐

34 3 5

last chapter 😟🙏
[monday 7AM]

well here's the day i've been dreading. saying goodbye. i exchanged phone numbers with the girls and spent last night packing to go home. i saw lulu in the crowd of people. i walked over, "i just wanted to say goodbye. here's my number if you need anything" i handed her a piece of paper and walked off.

i finally saw Louis. i ran to him and immediately started getting teary eyed. "i'm- i'm gonna miss you" i wiped away my tears and went back in for a hug.

i saw my mom's car pull up. "this is it." i gathered around the girls, "i'm gonna miss y'all. i didn't think that i would make any friends here! but thank you. we'll do a group facetime when everyone gets home" i smiled through my heavy tears.

i turned to louis. "this is goodbye." i walked away with my bags and looked back and gave him one last look before i got in the car.

"you ready?" i looked at mom, "yeah" i closed the trunk and wiped the tears away from my cheeks for the 5th time. ugh this is so painful. i couldn't stop crying but eventually i fell asleep...

[time skip, 9AM]

"we're home!" i opened my eyes to see my mom parked in front of our house. i walked in. she painted the walls? "you painted the walls?" mom locked the door behind me. "yeah" she stood next to me, "you like it" hmm. "yeah i like it!" i took my bags upstairs and unpacked.

i remember taking the little sign that louis used to ask me to be his girlfriend. i looked at it in awe. i turned it around, i saw a card. i think he forgot it was on here. i opened it and it was a gift card to Barns and Nobles because he knew i liked to read. seriously, where tf did he get a gift card in the middle of the woods??
i look at my phone to see that liv texted me and added me to a group with the girls.

the rest of the day i kinda caught up on sleep and laid around doing nothing. i'm surprised louis hasn't texted me yet.

just as i thought that i got a text from him. am i a genie??? he asked me if i got home safe. well buddy ur a little too late for that- ITS 5PM!!

[tuesday morning]

i didn't really sleep that much last night but liv is coming over any second now to hang out. *𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘨* that must be her.

i ran downstairs and saw her standing in the doorway. "AH omg heyyy. haven't seen u since yesterday" she laughed and headed upstairs. i got a text from louis.

it said, 'how is this long distance gonna work? i mean i think we should just break up we are in different countries and idfk how this is gonna work' wait a damn minute- yesterday he was all lovey dovey but he wants to break up? i mean i did too but like uhhhh????

"shit. louis just broke up with me" i gave liv a concerned look. "oh my gosh! are you ok?" she moved closer and hugged me. "it was gonna happen anyways. long distance doesn't work. especially me, i'm ALWAYS touch starved" i explained.

"anyways, how are you and Sophia?" i smirked and nudged her. "we are gooddd" she dragged on, "so wait, you knew i was gay?" she questioned. i nodded. she huffed at my nod.

liv said she couldn't stay long so she left and told me she would call me later.

i got one thing to say. fuck summer depression. *mic drop outta this bitch*

A/N: AHHH LAST CHAPTER i hope y'all like this! i'm probably gonna start writing the sequel in a few weeks. but yeah anyways thank y'all for 85 reads lol. anyways goodbye. and enjoy!

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