10 - Dreams Come True With Mistakes

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February 5, 2021


Eviana's Diary

Jimin! Of course, how did I not realize that he is missing! I throw my hands up, instinctively like I do not know anything.

"Alright, girl, you have some explaining to do!" Suga grumbles coming up to me. Just seconds earlier, he'd been concerned about my well-being, sweetly looking at me and now he is acting all hostile. "You seem to know where we are."

"Soojinie," Astro scolds. "Calm down!"

"Calm down?" Suga whirls around to his leader, disgust and shock evident on his face. "How dare you! We're trapped in this bizarre fantasy world with a possible Sasaeng." He points a harsh thumb in my direction.

"I'm not a sasaeng!" I recall the popular term that translates to "stalker fans," who are so obsessed with a group that they will do anything-even dangerous and illegal acts-to get close to their favorite group or bias. Many have made news headlines for breaking into idols' homes or dorms, causing accidents or even physically harming the idols themselves.

"For all we know, you kidnapped Jimin and are stalling us here in this meadow!" Suga accuses, thrusting a fierce index finger at my face.

I shove his hand to the side and away from my face with a flustered frown. "Jimin is my bias and I adore him! I'd never hurt him! I swear it!"

"Then where is he?" Suga demands.

"If I knew, I'd tell you! Also, wouldn't I be where he is if I was behind this?!" I snap back, getting into Suga's face and holding my ground. How dare he even imply that I would lay a finger on Jimin Bajkin?!

Suga's brow furrows more and he seethes with rage as he hisses, "I. haven't. figured. that. out. yet."

"Hyung, stop it!" Kookie screams, racing forward to the older man. "I believe her! You know how I can tell when someone is lying and telling the truth. She might have crafted this place and we might be here on accident because of her, but she's not behind Jiminie's mysterious disappearance."

Suga eyes the younger man, tossing glances at me, still unsure about trusting me completely. But he backs down, nonetheless.

"Think about the story!" Jaydrian shouts out, walking over to me. "The answer to where he is has to be within the context of the novel you just finished writing! Also, can you kindly explain why I am here?!"

I look at my friend and then suddenly remember the magic wand. I spin around in place and find it still glistening in the grass. It's no longer glowing or even pulsating, but it's glittering silver. I pick it up and lift it up to show them all.

"I'm still not sure what exactly happened, but I found this in the alleyway next to my apartment. I was curious if it worked and...well...I guess it does. See?" I draw it through the air with a careful flick of my wrist like a fairy godmother. A stream of sparkles tail the motion of the tip through the air before me and all the boys take a step back in shock.

"WITCH!" Suga gasps, pointing another accusatory finger in my direction.

"Soojinie," Astro spits out the scold.

Kookie "oohs" and "awes" as I continue to show off the magic wand.

"It was just in a dumpster," I add on, looking at Jaydrian. "I'm sorry my curiosity must have sparked the magic as well as my incantation word."

Jaydrian heaves a sigh. "Do you remember anything from the novel? Do you know exactly where we are in this world of Sonyeondan?"

I lower the wand and tap it against my chin. "I remember that I created Sonyeondan, a magical fantasy world that is run by the Bangtan Sonyeondan. They're the creatures that inhabit the world, like how humans and various animal species inhabit Earth. There's merfolk, unicorns, dragons, griffins, shapeshifters, centaurs...pretty much any and every magical creature from a fairy tale you can think of."

Jaydrian nods, slowly, trying to take all of it in.

I walk past him and out into the meadow, where I'd first been lying and where Astro is standing with JT at his side. I look at the mountains, the woods that line the meadow and then at the body of water and finally turn to look behind me, glimpsing the volcano with the smoke cloud rising out of its peak.

"I think we're in the southern part of the land I named Euphoria. That body of water is the Anpanman Ocean and if you look above the trees, you'll see the volcano that marks the spot of the safely, hidden and secretive sky kingdom known as Mikrokosmos."

Suga's mouth drops open and he turns to look, seeing the smoke cloud for the first time. He sees the winged beasts that are flying in and out and he unleashes a soft gasp. "What the--?"

"Amazing what the mind can conjure up, eh?" I remark, calmly walking up to him. "There's a place to the north...on the eastern side, a kingdom I named Baepsae. If Jimin is still alive and being held somewhere, I believe it is there."

"Baepsae?" Suga echoes, looking at me with shock and his mouth still agape.

"Yes. Think of it like the Shadowlands from Lion King meets the thorn thicket castle from Sleeping Beauty. It's a very dull, overcast and dark patch of land."

Kookie throws his hands over his mouth, gasping with horror. "Mimi!"

"Jimin-ssi is in there?" Suga questions.

"I'm willing to bet he is. If he is, we'll find who really took him, why we are here, why I found the wand and many more answers. Also...I have reason to think that Jimin is in terrible, horrible danger."

"Why do you say that?" Suga inquires, all of his hostility melted into shock, curiosity and perplexment.

"Because, I think I know WHY Jimin was kidnapped," I whisper as my story flashes through my mind.

Everyone looks at me.

I sigh and look up at the smoke cloud that conceals Mikrokosmos. "Sonyeondan revolves around a fictional boy band that is based off J'TASK. Jimin's character is named 'Seong Ji-Min' and he is working out at the studio, when he is swarmed by masked bandits who break in and kidnap him. A note is left behind and...basically the others meet some of the creatures from Sonyeondan to help save the fictional Jimin from a mistaken prophecy reading by a very bad villain."

"Who's the villain then?" Suga asks.

I gulp nervously and look Suga dead in the eye. "I think I named him...Trixster Moriarty, but his fairy tale name is Obsidian Shade." 

Obsidian Shade (黒曜石シェード): Novella PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now