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February 7, 2021


Denver, Colorado

Obsidian Shade and Arianna jump into the portal, following their unexpected defeat. Failing to kill Jimin only further angered the wicked villain of Sonyeondan. It's at that moment, that they see a bright white glow of light.

Arianna, still in her Chimera form, spots the glow coming from the magic wand that had aided in their defeat. She releases Obsidian in the portal and reverses her direction. She flips around and zooms right for the wand.

Just as the light gets brighter and sucks all of them back to Denver, she manages to close her taloned paws around the stick.

The light vanishes and she finds herself, hovering over the unconscious bodies of the seven travelers. The wand is in her taloned paws. Her eyes flick toward the lifeless body of Jimin and for a second she contemplates snagging him, but shakes her head. There is only enough energy in her to carry the wand, which is more important to the villain's success than some K-Pop star.

She gives a frustrated grunt and sharply turns, heading up into the sky, just as they all stir and come to life.


Soon, they will succeed in their revenge.

After flying for about an hour, deep in thoughts of anger and revenge, she stalls, mid-flight near a patch of tall mountain peaks. Arianna suddenly realizes that she is no longer in Sonyeondan.

She spins around, hearing the sound of music coming from behind her.

A concert?

Then familiar voices greet her ears.

With a sharp turn, she zooms toward the music, hovering at the far end of the concert stadium and watching the scene. The cheering group of people, the two rescuers who spoiled her and her precious partner's plans and the five members of the boy band group. No, she thinks with a smirk coming to the corners of her goat-like face, they might not be the seven assholes that were meant to be a part of the band I know, but they are a part of something that will ruin Obsidian and me.They still have to be destroyed.

But first, she knows that she has to find Obsidian Shade.

She spreads her wings and pushes off, flapping the feathers with a fury and zips off into the evening sky.

Once she finds him, then they can work together to finally end THIS Jimin and his little friends. 

Obsidian Shade (黒曜石シェード): Novella PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now