11 - The Idles and Obsidian Shade

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February 5, 2021


Jimin watches as a tall man with gelled, short wispy black hair that shimmers like an obsidian stone steps forward. He has a thin horseshoe style mustache, heavy black eyeliner around two deep black scleras and thick dark brows that are furrowed to accent his hard stare. He wears a long, black, gothic cloak-like material around his upper torso that is strapped around him by thin black leather straps. Two sharp black horns stick out of his shoulders. Underneath the horned cloak, he has on a thick armored black shirt and black pants that end in a pair of scary-looking black spiked boots.

"Who are you?! What do you want with me?!" Jimin snaps, mustering his bravery and throwing himself forward. The chains rattle noisily with his vain movement. "Let me go! You have NO right to keep me prisoner!"

"Seong Ji-Min," the man sneers, curling his long, black-painted fingertips around the top of his staff, which is a glittering obsidian stone attached to a black stick. On one of his fingers is a ring with a giant black stone that has some kind of black energy churning inside it. "The object of the mighty prophecy..."

The way his voice articulates each word sends a shiver down Jimin's spine. But...he is perplexed. Seong Ji-Min?

"No, I'm afraid you're mistaken, sir. I'm Jimin Bakjin," Jimin remarks, swallowing the fear inside of him.

The man draws a hand from the staff head and reaches out to touch the tip of Jimin's chin. He studies Jimin's face and features. "You look just like Seong Ji-Min. My mortal enemy, a threat to my existence!"

"I am not THAT Jimin," Jimin bravely insists.

"What is your word but mere trickery," the man snarls, the corners of his mouth twisting upward slyly.

Jimin's blood runs ice cold. The man must be some kind of cruel anti. The "anti-fan" (or just "anti") quite literally represents the opposite of what a fan is. Antis often dislike a group (or member) so much that they spend tons of time mocking and criticizing its group and its members.

"W-who are y-you?" Jimin manages to stutter out, unable to disguise his trepidation anymore.

The man lets go of Jimin's chin and turns on his heels with a flourish of his cape. A group of creatures enter the room and Jimin can make out the shadowy figures of a hooded person, a cyclops, a witch, a wizard and a fairy. They are all rubbing their hands together with excitement.

The man stops in the middle of them and gradually turns back around, a full smirk present on his face. "You could say that I'm one shade-y guy."

Jimin's eyes flick between each creature.

"I'm Trixster Moriarty the greatest inhabitant of Sonyeondan! But you can know me as Obsidian Shade, leader of the Idles of Baepsae," the man, now known as Obsidian Shade, gestures out to his sides, holding his staff in one hand. "We despise K-Pop and prophecy heroes like yourself, Seong."

"I'm NOT Seong Ji-Min!! I'm Jimin Bakjin of J'TASK!!"

"That is just what a sly hero like yourself would try to argue," Obsidian growls and launches into a dark rap:

"I'm Obsidian Shade, the baddest fiend to be made.

From Mikrokosmos to the Anpanman Sea

I'm a villain, I can't help it, you see?

They say I'm evil, heartless and deviant.

They don't know the half of it though

I won't go down easy like all those cheesy Disney ones."

"Oh, no he won't!" a high-pitched female voice shouts out.

Jimin's eyes land on the hooded figure in an all black outfit: a skirt over pants to go with the hoodie and a pair of dark shoes.

"You wanna meet my friends, Seong Ji-Min?" Obsidian questions with a glowering smirk. "Ari, go girl!"

The hooded figure steps forward and lowers her hood to reveal a flaming orange haired girl with heavy black eyeshadow and dark purple lipstick. She launches into her own rap, a fast-spoken verse:

"I'm Arianna or Ari,

Shapeshifter, born in Euphoria,

Rejected, cast out, scorned and distrusted

Leader of the Idles gang,

Right-hand to Obsidian,

Don't mess with me, Kaleb."

She ends her rap, getting into Jimin's face. She hovers for a second, her warm breath tickling the chained K-Pop idol's skin. Then she finally steps back and hurries back to her spot beside Obsidian.

Obsidian gives her a high-five for her rap and terror performance.

The cyclops kid, a bulky dude that looks like an emo one-eyed creature out of any mythology tale, steps forward to rap now:

"The name's Kaleb, with a K

I'm a cyclops-warrior, born from Euphoria

K-Pop's for losers, hip hop and rap is where it's at.

If you cross my path, it'll be your last day."

The witch and wizard duo step forward now. They scream out like metal singers, which makes Jimin cringe at the sudden sound:

"Max and Kylo,

We're a wicked Witch and Wizard duo.

Add metal music to our list too!


The final person in the room, the fairy, flitters forward and stops right before Jimin. Her yellow eyes are accentuated by black eyeliner and shadow. She's got on a black dress with sparkles, black stripper-like pantyhoes and black high heels.

"I thought fairies were good?" Jimin questions.

"You thought wrong, sweetheart," the fairy giggles and seizes Jimin by the chin.

"My name's Bellatrix or Bella,

I'm the cruelest, sickest fairy you'll ever come to know.

I'm not a godmother, nor do I grant wishes

I'm most helpful with my speciality, which is torturing you."

She steps back, thrusting Jimin's head back roughly and reunites with Ari, Max, Kyo and Kaleb.

Together they rap/sing/scream:

"We're the Idles of Baepsae,

Obsidian Shade's henchmen

We'll make your life hell

As you rot away against your will." 

Obsidian Shade (黒曜石シェード): Novella PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now