12 - Powerful

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February 6, 2021


Eviana's Diary

"Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go save Jimin-ssi!" Astro exclaims.

"Fighting!" JT cries out, punching a fist into the air. "Fighting" (or occasionally "hwaiting") is usually used to cheer on someone-your favorite group, your bias or even just your friends and loved ones. It is translated to "You can do it!"

I hold the wand in my hands, looking at Jaydrian with worry. "I had no idea."

Jaydrian gives me a sympathetic look and puts a comforting arm around me. "It's okay. It's not your fault. I'm sure it's all a big misunderstanding. The sooner we get to these Shadowlands and find Jimin, the better."

"How far away is this 'shadowland' from here?" Suga grumbles as the group begins to trudge through the meadow, being mindful of the skies overhead that are full of winged creature traffic.

"Not far on four legs," I answer him.

"This is not the time to crack jokes, and I know jokes," JT scolds.

"Okay, give me a good joke then, JT," I giggle.

JT falls for the bait and lifts his head up, much to the disgust of Astro, who unleashes a groan. "What should you do if a watermelon sues you?"

We reach the far end of the meadow unscathed and oddly unnoticed. I skid to a halt and put my hands on my hips. "What?"

The others all stop as well. Astro slaps his hand to his forehead.

"수박!" JT chuckles, covering his mouth and nose with his hand.

Astro groans louder. "Booooooo!"

"Ha! I get it," Jaydrian remarks, throwing his pointer finger out at JT. "The word for watermelon in Korean is 'subak' and if you listen to it carefully, subak sounds like 'sue back' in English. So if a watermelon sues, make sure you lawyer up and...subak."

"That's it!" JT exclaims. "I learned that one on a South Korea concert tour. J'TASK went to Seoul for a concert series."

Jaydrian nods.

"Okay, here's one for the English folks here. What's a panda's favorite food?"

"I don't know what?" Kookie plays along with a big, cheesy smile on his face.

"Bread...pan...duhhhhh," JT says.

Astro pinches his nose. "And that's enough dad's jokes, JT. Can we focus on journeying to find and save Jimin, please?"

JT holds his head up high. "Of course. But you can't say you didn't laugh at either of those jokes."

"He's right," Jaydrian says. "He's a joke king."

"Oh, don't butter his ego any," Suga growls with a toss of his eyes. "That's the last thing he needs."

"Suga is just jealous," JT whispers loudly.

Astro and Suga resume walking, heading into the woods. Kookie follows them, skipping along and humming along to one of their songs entitled August Days. It's one of the songs, along with Blood, Sweat and Tears (Untied) that the group likes to perform at concerts. They are supposed to perform it on their American Tour, including the Denver concert that they're scheduled to do.

Of course, given that they get out of this fantasy world alive and with Jimin. They won't continue being a group without him. His falsetto is like no other and he brings an unbelievable, irreplaceable talent.

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