15 - J'TASK: Denver Concert (August Days and Japanese Flower)

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February 7, 2021

Denver, Colorado

Eviana's Diary

Turns out that only a few hours have passed since we were gone and, because we helped to find and save Jimin, the boys have expressed their gratitude by awarding us free tickets to their Denver concert (refunding the tickets we paid for too!). Not only that, but we get an invite into their private world as 'friends.'

The crowd is sold out in Denver for the concert. As it should be, Taskers take J'TASK concerts seriously.

The noise is indescribable as I smile and throw my hands into the air to join in. Jaydrian chuckles and tries to get me to settle down.

* * * *

It's time for another concert! Jimin didn't think that this one would even happen. The whole turmoil in the fantasy world had almost put a damper on things. But, yet, here he is, standing before a sold out crowd.

Jimin, showing off his freshly dyed, wavy platinum-blond hair, listens to the cheers, taking nothing for granted.  He'd opted not to put in contacts this time, leaving his eyes the natural brown color. His eyes settle on the special seats that they'd reserved for their new 'friends,' Eviana Huntington and Jaydrian Herondale. He tosses them a wave.

The crowd settles down after the introduction video and cool stage setting, where the boys walk out of the mouth of a star prop. They stop in the center, front edge of the stage as the opening instrumentals cut off dramatically.

Astro has on a dapper orange suit jacket over an all-white outfit that consists of a white dress shirt, white pants and white shoes. Suga has on a similar outfit, but he is wearing a black suit jacket over the all-white. JT has on a light blue jacket over his all-white look, while Kookie has on a light green suit jacket and Jimin has on a light lavender purple suit jacket. Handsome, is one word to describe them all. 

JT, with a natural wavy brown hair style with a white bandana exposing his forehead, motions with his hands, enjoying the boisterous sounds. Then he stares down the roaring audience with a dramatic pause. After a few seconds, he lifts his hand up to his mouth and blows a kiss with his first two fingers.

"INTERNATIONAL PRETTY BOY!!" a chorus of girls scream at the signature gesture.

"Hey, Denver!!!" JT calls out, speaking into his signature sapphire blue mic. "How are we doing tonight?"

The crowd, including Jaydrian and Eviana, get even louder with their cheering. Someone shouts out, "JT'S SO HOT! MARRY ME!" and another cries out, "JT, I LOVE YOU!" JT chuckles, taking in the electric crowd.

"Oh, I think you all can do better. I'm sure this High Altitude is normal for you guys, so I want you to shout to the Heavens above! I said, HOW ARE WE DOING OUT THERE, DENVER?!" JT turns his mic toward the crowd and puts one hand up to his ear to listen as the audience roars with noise.

"There we go!" Jimin shouts out, clapping his hands. "I think that's pretty loud, TaeTae! My ears are ringing!"

JT nods in agreement and turns his mic back around. "Hello, Denver, I'm Jung Taehyung or JT. We got quite a crowd tonight, wouldn't you say boys?" He spins to look at Kookie, Astro, Jimin and Suga.

Suga, who is standing next to the oldest J'TASK member, nods his head. He's got a unique long and wispy mint-green dye job to his hair. He lifts up his red mic and says, "Large crowds make more noise and allow us to give better concerts, Hyung." He turns to the crowd and looks around the giant gathering of people. "I'm Min Soojin and I still don't understand why we have to do these stupid introductions. Like you guys don't know who I am, especially the young lady there with a shirt that has my face on it."

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