14 - Defeat!

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February 6, 2021


Jimin is forced out of the dungeon cell he has been kept in by Obsidian Shade. They are rushing through the dark, stone hallways with a purpose. The ruthless tyrant had barged in, scaring Jimin senseless. He unchained him, but bound his wrists behind his back with a rough rope that is now scratching into his skin.

"How's that one song go?" Obsidian snarls as they round a corner and march across a dimly lit hallway that leads from one of the towers to the main section of the evil castle. Through the thick stone pillars, Jimin can see the wicked barren land that surrounds the villainous structure.

Jimin throws him a hard glare, unamused by the taunting from the wicked man. "I'd rather eat spinach before I sing for the likes of you."

They enter the main section, which has a similar pillar-lined hallway that runs around the parameter of a plaza.

"Oh, you'll sing when I bring your friends into my humble abode," Obsidian snarls and gestures with his staff-holding hand toward a center plaza in his castle. "Ah! Right on time! I knew they'd come for you! Friends always do."

Jimin follows his gesture. Horror floods through him as his eyes land on JT, Suga, Astro and Kookie in the clutches of the villain's evil henchmen. Each of them are in bird-like cages and Suga's arms are bound with a similar rope that is around Jimin's wrists. He looks pissed off and furious, but that's just a frustrated Min Soojin.

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" Kookie screams, grabbing two metal bars in his hands. "I'm Jeon Seok-guk, the Talented Maknae of J'TASK!"

Obsidian half-drags Jimin toward his friends. He stumbles along, unable to disguise the hurt and fear on his face.

His bandmates see him, including Kookie.

"Jiminie!!" Kookie cries out.

"What is this?! You can't do this!" Suga snarls, kicking at the metal bars of his cage.

"Shut your trap, Ryu Min-Ki!" Obsidian growls at him.

Suga wrinkles his nose up in disgust and furrows his brow in bewilderment. "Ryu Min-Ki?"

"Where's the other two members, Ari?" Obsidian demands of the shapeshifting female.

"I think I saw them dart off into the woods, but it took all of us just to capture these four..." Ari snarls, sending spittle as she glares at Astro. "Doesn't matter though, two of them should be nothing and they'll for sure come for the others."

Obsidian nods with a sly smirk on his face.

"There's only five of us!" Jimin snaps. "If you'd even care to pay--" He is cut off by Obsidian, who slaps a hand over his mouth.

"We'll draw them here quickly by our little high note singer here," Obsidian sneers, keeping his hand over Jimin's mouth, but squeezing him closer to his armored chest. "They'll be able to hear him."

"What about the others?" Ari asks, glancing at Astro and then at Suga, who continues to work the ropes binding his wrists and kick at the bars.

Astro looks at Suga, worriedly. "Suga, stop that. Your foot will never win the battle against metal bars!"

Suga ignores him though.

"Do whatever you wish," Obsidian hisses. He lifts his staff up and uses it to push away strands of stray hair from her face. "You're not my dastardly female doppleganger or the leader of the Idles for nothing, darling."

Obsidian Shade (黒曜石シェード): Novella PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now