Daring and Cerise

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ever After High or its characters. Just the plot.


It was just another ordinary day for Cerise Hood.

She woke up, got dressed, went to class, went to another class, and another class..

And finally it was the last class of the day, Grimmnastics Class (Gym) .

And they were playing basketball.

Luckily for Cerise, due to her father's...um..heritage..she didn't have to worry about the wolves.

But the game wasn't the only thing on Cerise's mind.

She was watching Hunter and Ashlynn making out in a corner of the Gym , both completely oblivious to the game happening and the hooded girl watching them from afar.

Cerise sighed heavily.

"I wish I had someone special in my life..."

She thought.

"Of course, sadly for Cerise there wasn't that many options.

And again..due to her...secret..she couldn't really take the risk of someone finding out her secret.

But either way, Cerise secretly wished for someone special for her.

Someone who would care for her, be there for her, understand her...

"Cerise! Watch out!"

Cerise snapped out of her thoughts and before she knew it, She came face to face with the ball.


She felt immediate pain and fell to the floor.

She heard worried voiced and her vision began to blur.

"Cerise!" A voice said and fuzzy blonde figure was looking down at her.

"Daring..?" She murmured.

The figure nodded.

"Don't worry Coach Gingerbreadman! I'll take her to the infirmary!" Daring said heroically.

Cerise felt Daring pick her up in his arms.

Cerise put her head on his chest.

As her vision began to clear and her senses began to come back, She felt a sharp pain in her head.

"Ow." She moaned.

"You ok?" Daring asks.

Cerise looks up to him.

"I got hit in the face with a ball. Do I look ok?!" She snapped.

"Sorry." He replied.

Cerise just looked around the hallway and watched the students around.

She saw a boy give flowers to Apple White.

She saw Duchess Swan and Sparrow Hood chatting at Duchess's locker. Well, to Cerise it was more like flirting.

She sighed envyously.

"What's wrong?" Daring asks.

Cerise shakes her head. "Nothing."

"Listen, Cerise, do you maybe-"

"Daring, put me down please." Cerise asked.

"Are you sure?" Daring asks." You got hit on the head pretty hard, you can have a concussion..."

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