Briar And Hopper

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I don't remember what their ship name was. Was it Bopper? Bropper? Idk.


Briar Beauty finally managed to climb the water fountain.

"Being a turtle sucks." She thought.

To sum up why the fabulous Future Sleeping Beauty was a pink, little, cute turtle, she was doing it to help her BFFA Apple White.

Apple had been complaining about how Raven was entering her Birthday Bake-Off contest this year but wasn't planning to poison Apple.

So in order to cheer her up, Briar had added some "Creature Concoction" Potion to Raven's cake in order to please Apple. But unfortunately for Briar, she had to open her big mouth and when she tried to make a quick getaway, instead of eating the cake and turning into a Phoenix like Blondie, she turned into a slow turtle.

After 3 hours of pure agony, she had reached the school and was thirsty, so she had to stop by the water fountain.

Unfortunately, the potion hasn't worn off so it took her another 3 hours to walk from the school's steps to the water fountain.

But Briar was hoping for the spell to wear off..hopefully today. And hopefully soon.

"Maybe I should go see the Nurse's Office..." Briar thought.

Briar then heard whistling from down the hall, coming closer.

"Hey! Somebody's coming! "Briar said. "Maybe I can ask them to help me! Hey you! Can you come over here and help me out?"

"Who...said that?" Hopper asked. He looked around and noticed a pink turtle at the water fountain.

"A pink turtle? " Hopper thought. "Hm. It reminds me of Briar. Oh Briar. She's so hot."

"Oh..Hopper! Its me Briar!"

"Woah! B-Briar?! Is that! Why are you a turtle?! Well, you're a hot turtle..but that's still!"

Briar rolled her eyes. "Its a long story. "

" you need any help?"

"No! I mean yes! Being a turtle really sucks! I walk super slow and I don't know when this stupid spell wears off or how to undo it!"

"A spell eh?" Hopper said. "Well, I know how to undo it!"

Briar looked at him with hope in her eyes.

"Really?! How?!"

"Oh...well...w-Well I ugh...the...thing...a-And the..o-other t-thing.."

Hopper then started to get nervous.

"Oh no." Briar thought knowing what happened to him when he got nervous.

"Oh no!" Hopper said and with a Poof! And a Ploop! Hopper was a frog, and sitting in the water fountain next to Briar.

"What I meant to say, m'lady, dear sweet Briar Beauty, was that all spells are broken with a sweet kiss." Hopper said in a deeper voice.

"What?! I knew that you liked me Hopper, but I didn't think you were desperate! "

"No, no, I am not! I am just merely stating that most spells are broken with true loves kiss."

"Well, how do we even know that will work?! We don't belong in each other's stories!"

"Destiny is something we cannot control, even though the headmaster tries to."


"Never mind. Lets just try it!"

Briar groaned. "Only to turn us back to Normal."

"Yes, of course."

"I can't believe my first kiss is going to be with Hopper..." Briar thought.

They both began to lean in, just inches apart...just as the same time Briar's spell began to wear off..

And with Poof! And a very loud crunch! They were both back to their human forms, lips touching.

"Hopper isn't that bad of a kisser...even though he tastes like swamp water..."

Briar put her arms around Hopper's neck and he put his arms around her waist and both deepened the kiss, and began to play a game of tough wars.

That's when Briar realized what she was doing.

She broke them apart and with a scowl said, "Woah, Woah, Woah! What do you think you were doing?!"

Hopper confused, said, "I was just doing what you were doing!"

Briar groaned. "Well, it least I am back to normal."

"At least I was right."

"Psh. Yeah right. It...was probably just a coincidence!"

Briar looked around. "Uhh...looks like we broke the water fountain. "

They both looked down and noticed the remains of the water fountain.

"Well..thanks Hopper." Briar said.

Hopper nodded, "No prob."

Briar nodded. "See us later."

Briar began to walk away when she turned around.


Hopper turned around. "Yea?"

"Nice job. On the kissing. "

" y-you too."

"Right." Briar said and then walked away.

After she left, Hopper jumped for happiness.

"She kissed me! "He exclaimed happily. "She actually kissed me!"

Author's Note:
Hello my readers!
I hope you enjoyed this story, as much as I enjoyed writing it!
But I apologize for taking this long to publish it, cause I have very little time to write it, with school and having to help around the house..but I hope you liked this chapter!
Remember to like and review , And if you want to request a specific ship, then leave it in the comments!
But you'll have to wait, since I am a bit backed up on requests!
But I promise that you will get it eventually!
Until next time! :)

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