Daring and Lizzie

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It was a sunny day in The Village of Book End....

(Thunder booms in distance)

Ahem, so it was a rainy day in the Village of Book End, in the land of Ever After.

Thunder boomed loudly, lighting zapped faster than the land's fastest Dragon, and the people were running to warm, dry places to be safe from the rain.

Prince Daring Charming, the eldest son of King Charming, on the other hand, wasn't expecting for his nice, sunny day to turn sour.

And just when he was having a hextastic hair day!

The worst part was that he didn't have an umbrella prepared, for he didn't know it was going to rain!

Then again..he did distinctly remembered his younger brother telling him that there was a..something..percent chance of rain and his roommate telling him to carry an umbrella, just in case he went out...Or did he?

Daring couldn't really remember, what was he doing that he didn't pay attention? Oh yea, checking himself in the mirror.

He really had to work on the whole "listening" thing.

Anyway, so Daring was stuck in the villiage, hiding out at the Hocus Latte coffee shop while waiting for his ride back to Ever After High.

That's when he noticed the a girl struggling to open her umbrella.

"Alas, a fair maiden needs-" then he sighed heavily, "- assistance. Prince Daring Charming to the rescue." He finished in a monotonic tone.

He wasn't really in a mood to do the whole hero thing at the moment but hey, someone had to do it.

Daring got up from his table and walked to the girl. He sipped the last of his coffee and then threw the cup away before boredly saying "Need help with that?"

The girl looked up and it was Lizzie Hearts and Daring immediately perked right up.


"Daring." The villainous princess greeted him as she greeted everyone.

"So, need help with that umbrella, your majesty?"

Lizzie scoffed. "I would not if this was Wonderland! Umbrellas usually open themselves there. So yes. I do require assistance and to which a Charming Prince shall be of."

"Ok..." Daring said confused and reached for her umbrella and opened it.

"So where you heading if you're willing to be in the rain?" He asked.

"I am heading for a tea party in Wonderland Grove with the Wonderlandians. I don't wish to ruin my outfit and my hair before we dance in the rain later on."

Daring was confused. That's what happens when you talk to a Wonderlandian.

"Um...never mind. " Daring muttered.
Then he handed her the umbrella. "Here you go." He mumbled.

"Thank you." She replied.

Then they just stared at each other.

They haven't spoken since that first date they had.

"Well. I guess I better get going..." Lizzie said.

Daring scratched the back of his neck. "Yea.."

"Well..good bye." Lizzie said and gave him a small wave and left the coffee shop.

Is this How it was going to be? Awkward? Daring didn't want that. Too be honest, he wanted to be friends with Lizzie, maybe even more than friends.

She was one wicked girl.

Then he quickly exit the Coffee Shop.

He looked in the rain to find her.

Then he saw her, and decided to run after her.

"Lizzie! Wait!" He shouted and ran to her. In the rain. Getting his precious hair and neat clothes wet and sticky like, getting soaked and he started to feel cold.

Then he slipped and fell right on top of her, and they fell into a puddle.Now she was wet too.

"Daring Charming!" Lizzie exclaimed. "What is the meaning of this?! "

Daring picked her up. "I wanted to say...maybe I can accompany you to your Wonderlandian thing? Maybe...as your date?"

Lizzie blushed, smiled and then shook her head and frowned.

"Sorry but no. Wonder worms only." She replied.

Daring was disappointed. And a but confused.


But? There was a but? Daring's ears perked up.

"-maybe we can hang out sometime. Watch a movie even. "

"Sure. I'd like that. When?"

Lizzie shrugged her shoulders. "Not sure. I shall call you. Or you call Me. Does not matter. "

Then she hugged him, and she hugged him tight, and he returned it, hugging her just as tightly.

Daring decided right then, right there, that he wouldn't let her go again.


Author's Note:
I prefer Daring and Lizzie as platonic best friends, like in the EAH book, "A Wonderlandiful World". Ah. How Dizzie ruled the book.
Anyone who read that book would also understand the "Wonder Worm" comment Lizzie made lol.
Ok, So review, and if you want, request a couple!
Darise and Rexter chapters are on the way, and I believe someone asked for more Bunny & Alistair so that's coming up too, so please don't request them, cause I am already in process of making those chapters. Or will start. Lol.

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