Chapter 21

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I wake up to someone shaking me. I open my eyes to be instantly blinded by the sun.

"Fuck" I mumble.

"Stop swearing all the time princess."

I look around confused for a moment, trying to figure out where I was. Then I remebered I was on a date with Blake at the beach.

The sky had darkened. "What time is ?" I ask sleepily. I don't know how long I've been aleep for. 'Well obviously' My wolf says sarcastically.

"8. We have to go now."

I stand up nearly losing my balance. I'm the type of person who takes at least 15 minutes to fully wake up. I begin to fold up the picnic cloth and put back the dishes into the hamper while Blake went to get the boat ready.

I begin to walk down to the shore where Blake was waiting with the boat. When I get to the boat, Blake gets out and takes the picnic hamper out of my hands and puts it onto the small boat and helps me in.

In the inside I want to scream at him to tell him I can get in myself but I decide to stay quiet. By the looks of things, I guess I'll have to get used to stuff like that and resist the urge not to scream and him or throw and punch at him.

He beings to row out slowly.

"So how'd I do?" Blake suddenly asks.

"Huh?" I say dumbly not understanding what he meant.

"How did I do with the date? Did you enjoy it?"

"Oh." That makes sense. " It was really great.Thank you" I say honestly.

It really was. It was good to talk to him for a few hours without any arguments or interruptions. Admittedly, the girly side of me has always wanted to go on a date and have a picnic on the beach. Don't even ask me why because I don't know.

"Better than all your other dates you've had?" He asks jokingly but I can hear a hint of jealousy in his tone.

I look around awkwardly.

"This is my first date." I admit.

"Wait so you've never been on a date before?" he asks surprised and a little too happily.

" Nope"

' No, you sleep around instead' My wolfs growls at me. I instantly put a mind block between my wolf and I. I know for a fact she's going to keep going on at me if I didn't.

Yes I've slept around but I'm not ashamed of it. I'm also not ashamed of not waiting for my mate. It's my body and I can do what I want with it. But it annoy's me when people and my wolf constantly slut shame me for it. It doesn't make me a bad person. If I cheated on someone by sleeping around then I guess that would kind of make me a bad person. Although, I've never actually had a boyfriend and I would never cheat on someone.

"What about you?" I ask "Would this be one of your favourites out of many dates you've had?"

I probably sound jealous. That's because I am.

"Obviously seeing as this is my first date too." He replies.

"Wait what? You've never been on a date with Casey?" I ask him sneering Caseys name.

I surprisingly haven't seen her in a while actually. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. I actually like seeing her stupidness but then again she annoy's me so much.

"As if" Blake scoffs "We never even went out. I've told her that hundreds of times but she's so deluded. I've never been on a date before this or had a girlfriend.. Before you."

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