Chapter 10

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Next morning I woke up exhausted. I'd been up all night thinking of a way to get back at Blake.

The first idea I had was to reject him in front of the whole school.

But I still couldn't get myself to do that. I don't know why because I hate his guts but I still can't and it was really pissing me off.

I thought of other ideas but they didn't seem good enough. Then I finally thought of one..It was so simple yet it would drive him crazy.

I will flirt with people in front of him.

I know that it doesn't seem that bad but when your a werewolf, especially an alpha, if another person even looks at your mate you instantly want to kill them.

In my case it's Casey.

Stupid bitch.

I also need to get my revenge on her. I'm not sure how I will yet but I'm sure I'll think of something.

I also know who I'm going to flirt with and make out with in front of Blake.


I mean I've already had sex with him so this will be no problem. I'm not going to let Luke in on the plans because I know that he'd be scared of Blake chopping off his balls.

When I was dressed and ready I quickly took out my phone and typed a quick text to Luke. I somehow even though I was completely wasted I managed to get Luke's number at his party the other night. He probably gave it to me just in case I wanted to give him another booty call.

Which I'm actually planning on doing.

I texted him asking if he wants to sit with me at lunch, he instantly texted back

'Sure! I had fun the other night;)xx'

I couldn't help but laugh. Being a player myself, I know that's the number 1 line you use, meaning 'let's fuck again sometime'

It's a good thing people obviously haven't realised that me and Blake are mates. Skylar copped it straight away. Though to be honest she's freakishly smart.

I made myself some chocolate chip pancakes. They were amazing. I'm actually quite good and cooking and baking. Before my dad died me and my mom used to bake all the time but after he died my mom had to get a job which happened to be nursing and she works like all the time.

I sped to school after my breakfast. When I arrived at the parking lot I went to the parking space which I usually park in to see it was already taken.

I instantly knew who it was. Blake. Everybody knows it's his space so nobody would dare take it. I bet he got here extra.early just to get the space before me.

How sad can you get?

I had to drive to the very back to get a freakin parking space. It took me ages to get one. It's a massive car park so it is kind of a long walk to the school from where I was parked.

I made my way to the top of the school and from some strange reason my eyes automatically went to Blake's car. Which is a pretty sexy care I must say. It's a red Ferrari. But of course I prefer my black range rover.

When I looked at the hood of his car, I saw something that made my blood boil.

Blake my supposed mate making out with Casey.

You'd think Blake would feel extremely guilty about everything that happened yesterday and try be extra sweet to me, to try to get me to forgive him, right?

But nooo he just decides to be an extra bit of a dickhead. Ugh I hate him so much. And Casey.

Don't get me started on her. That little bitch knows that me and Blake are mates yet she is still throwing herself at him. The.things I would do to her if we were alone.

The Possessive Alpha and The Badass MateWhere stories live. Discover now