Chapter 2

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I woke up the next day with a headache. I may or may have cried myself to sleep last night. I know, I know I'm acting like some over dramatic hormonal girl.

I slowly got out of bed and dragged my feet over to my full length mirror. My big blue eyes were now bloodshot. My long blonde curly hair that reaches my waist was in a tangled mess.

I walked into my en suite and stripped. I jumped into the shower.

After my shower, I dried my self off. I walked back into my room with my towel wrapped around me, I made my way to my closet.

I picked out my black leggings that have holes down the side of them showing my toned tanned legs and a flowy white top and of my black leather jacket. I slipped on my red vans.

I quickly applied my make up; powder,concealer,mascara,eyeliner and lip gloss. I let my hair dry naturally.,

Oh Shit. I forgot to tell Darren.

'Hey Darren, can you come over? I need to talk to you' I say through mindlink with my voice cracking at the end.

'I'll be right over' he replies immediately. As I said he's always there for me. I don't know what I'm gonna do without him. He's like my big brother.

A knock on my bedroom door and Darren striding into my room snapped me out of my thoughts. Wait how'd he get in? I'm pretty sure all the doors are locked.

Almost as if he read my mind he spoke up ' I have keys to your house remember?' he says swing the key around his finger.

'You won't for long' I say sadly to him.

'What are you talking about?' he asked looking worried.,

"I pushed my mom too far this time, now she's moving pack and taking me with her' I say sadly.

Darren sat there silently, his face paled as if he had seen a ghost. We sat there for what seemed like hours, neither of us saying anything.

"Y-your moving?" he asks his voice so low and sad.

I looked down at my hands trying to blink back tears that were threatening to fall.

"I'm afraid so"  I say sniffling

Silence took over once again.

"When" Darren says with his voice breaking.

"Tomorrow"I whisper

Suddenly he pulled me into a hug.

We sat like that forever hugging each other. By then I was sobbing into his chest and he was sobbing into the crook of my neck. I haven't seen him cry since my father passed away five years ago.

All my childhood memories with him came flooding back. I remember when we were five my dad brought us to the shop and got us ice cream, I accidentally dropped mine and started to cry, Darren hugged me and gave me his ice cream. Trust me for five year old to do that for his best friend is like the sweetest thing ever. I also remembered back to when I was 14 when I got into my first real fight with some chick from school. She had busted my lip gave me a bloody nose. Though it was nothing compared to what I gave her. I remember Darren bringing me back to his house and cleaning up all my cuts and I remember him being furious with the chick for hurting me.

The memory of the time when I first got my period came flooding back. I was 12 years old and freaked out. I didn't know what to do. But Darren came running to my house with everything i needed, a load of soppy movies and bars and bars of chocolate for me. On top of that he stayed with me and watched the titanic, the notebook and the vow with me. He kept reassuring me that everything was going to be okay. I vaguely remember drifting asleep during the vow and him kissing me on my forhead saying everything will be okay before leaving.

He's always been so sweet. When I was younger I kind of had a crush on him, that was until he came out saying he was gay.

Boy was I shocked.

I remember when we were sixteen, I decided I was going to get my nose pierced and he agreed to come along with me. I was  happy he would come and support me. Support me my ass. He just stood their filming me while pissing himself as I screamed. He later posted it to Facebook and guess what it got 567 likes. Of course. I punched him in the jaw. Lucky for him I didn't do it has hard as I was capable of doing it.

I could help but smile at that memory. We didn't talk for about a week after that. He then came to my door with 5 kit Kat chunkys apologizing. I couldn't stay mad at him.

"I promise to keep in touch. We can Skype everyday, text everyday, email everyday, dammit I'll even write a postcard everyday" I say between sobs " A postcard with a dolphin, some random hill or a postcard with a picture of the sea on it. Ohhh I might find one with the gay rights flag on it, I hear you can get them yknow.." I blab on.

Darren started chuckling. " Haha relax Carrie, don't worry we can just Skype and text. Maybe I can visit sometime" he says with a small smile.

"Ohhh of course! Anytime, maybe even next week!" I cry out excitedly.

"Wow there relax, I was thinking maybe in a month or two. It's all the way in Florida, 5 hours away from here"

I shrug my shoulders. "Whatever, your visiting me sometime, even if I have to drag you on a plane" I say seriously.

Darren just laughed. " Anyways lets get you packed up" he says with a tight smile.

7 hours later all my belongings were packed up in cardboard boxes. Thank the moongoddess Darren was here or I would've just thrown all my stuff out the window. I seriously haven't the patience for packing.

We were not sat on my bed eating pizza while watching The Big bang theory. Oh how I love Sheldon.

An hour later Darren stands up and looks over guiltily over at me. "I'm so sorry, Carrie but I have to go now."

Oh no. I could feel the tears coming back. My lips started to quiver. I ran over to him hugging him as tight as I possibly tight,which apparently was very tight because. a few seconds late  he gasped   " Can't.Breath."

I quickly let go of him giving him a goofy smile. "Sozzies Dar Dar" I say in a little kids voice.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, text me as soon as you get there tomorrow. I promise I'll visit you as soon as I can" he says while hugging me again.

"I love you" I whisper.

"I love you too" he whispers back, kissing me on the forehead then walking out the door. I can feel my heart breaking when I hear him howl from outside.

I slowly walk up the stairs, I get ready for bed. I quickly have a cigarette before getting into bed.

I quickly set my alarm to wake me up extra early tomorrow morning.

I need to make one last stop before I go.

**Author's Note**

Chapter 2 finisheddd!! How was it? I actually quite enjoyed writing it, how sweet is Darren tho? nyways hope you guys enjoyed <3

Love y'all




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~M c;

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