Chapter 28

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*RECAP: Darren has come over to visit. Carrie discovered that Darren and James are not mates. (I realised the last bit of the last chapter didn't actually upload) They both go to a near coffee house where they both meet up with skylar) just as they're about to leave, Darren spots his mate.

I pause and stand there for a few moments thinking that Darren was speaking to me. How could I possibly be his mate? I then realised he's obviously talking about the person he is staring at intently behind me.

Darren pushes passed me roughly to get to his mate. I turn around to call him out on that but I stop and stare in shock when I see him and his mate.

His mate is Luke.

The Luke I fucked on my first day.

The Luke who for some reason doesn't talk to me anymore.

As I stand there I began to think all sorts of things. Did I really have sex with Luke before or was that my imagination? I even asked myself 'was I just his beard.' (Which only lasted 1 day)

And yes, I know all my thoughts were ridiculous.

Darren and Luke stand facing each other. Both look at each other with love, but I also see confusion in Luke's eyes.

Luke looks around him and his eyes land on me. His eyes widen. He runs his hand through his hair then practically sprints out the door. Darren just stands there dumbfounded staring at the door his mate just went out of. I see a hurt look coming to his face. I feel my heart sink when I see that expression.

I look and see Skylar has the exact same confused face that I am wearing. Obviously she thought he was straight too.

Skylar and I both grab one of Darrens arms and lead him out of the café and to my house.

As soon as I enter the house I can tell that Blake isn't there because his beautiful scent isn't that strong.

We make our way to the living room. Darren sits down on the sofa and just silently stares at nothing. Nobody had said a word the entire way back. I begin to think of something to say to comfort him. Nothing was coming to my head, I am not good in these sort of situations, even when it comes to my best friend. All I could think of was the most stupid question.

"Are you okay?" I ask Darren dumbly.

All of a sudden Darren breaks into tears. I have been friends with Darren for years, I could count how many times I have seen him cry on two hands, even so, I never saw him cry like this. He is the type of person who bottles up his emotions and thinks that if someone sees him cry it would damage his manhood.

I look at Skylar with an expression that was begging her to do something. She angrily points over to Darren. I look at her as if she had two head but I then realise that she was telling me to comfort him by hugging him. I awkwardly go over and sit beside him and hug him.

It was usually the opposite way around, I'm the one who can't handle my emotions very well and he's always the one who has to comfort me. I'm pretty sure I am doing this whole comfort thing right.

After about 5 minutes, Darren sits up and quickly wipes the tears off his face. He already looked as if he was ashamed of the fact that he cried. No matter how I hard I try, he never listens to me when I tell him it's ok to cry. Blake is the exact same.

"What's his name" Darren asks quietly with his face in his cupped hands.



"Do you know him?"

My heart begins to quicken. I can't tell him what I did with his mate.

"Um yeah. I mean kinda. I've spoken to him once or twice. In school."

Darren slowly lifts his face from his hands and looks at me.

"Why did your heart beat quicken when you said that?"

Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

"What? No it didn't, shut up." I say nervously. It's impossible for me to lie to him. I always have tremendous guilt when lying to him, which obviously shows. He always knows I'm lying, even when he can't hear my heart beating.

He just gazed at me with a look that made me squirm. My cheeks went red.

"Well I like kinda spoke to him at a party before."

"You fucked him, didn't you?"

My mouth hangs open not knowing what to say. Darren lets out a dry laugh and gets up and slowly paces the room.

"Of course you did. Who haven't you fucked?"

I flinch. That hurt a lot coming from him.

"I-i didn't know he was your mate. It was my first day here. I was drunk. Nothing else has ever happened I swear" I say, trying not to cry.

I have never seen Darren act this way towards me, we've had plenty of fights but we usually don't say stuff like that, or insult each other when we are arguing. I couldn't even properly fight back and stick up for myself because of the guilt and shame I had. I just had to brace myself for every insult to be thrown my way.

"I wonder how your mate would react to this" Darren dryly laughs.

I quickly look up when he says this. Deep down I know I shouldn't even feel guilty about this. All of this happened before I even met Blake and of course before I knew about Luke and Darren. But I know how angry I would feel if I knew my best friend had sex with my mate. When it comes to your mate, friendships are out the door and you overreact to anything that has got something to do with them.

I couldn't let Darren tell Blake. Not only for my sake, but also for Luke's. Hell, he'd probably kill the messenger, who in this case would be Darren.

"No! You can't. Please you don't know what he'd do." I plead, tears now flowing.

Darren takes a threatening step toward me. I hear a growl from Skylar who was standing in the corner. I give her a pleading look not to do anything.

"Look I'm really sorry. I didn't know. Please don't tell Blake."

"I think your mate would love to know how much of a whore his mate is." Darren scoffs.

Suddenly, very suddenly, I feel a presence beside me. A hand lashes out and grips around Darrens neck . Darren is then lifted off the ground by the neck.

I turn to see Blake. He had a crazed look in his face, indicating that his wolf was out.

For what seems like minutes, Blake begins to throw Darrens body onto the hard concrete floor, lift it back up again then throw again.

Over and over again.



Hi guys, I cannot begin to apologise for how long it has been since I updated. At the moment I am incredibly stressed about school and I haven't had enough concentration to write chapters for this story or to even read a book since summer!I've had loads of exams, and whenever I do have a break I am either too busy or too tired to update.. I am so sorry.

I plan on updating in a day or two!

Thank you so much for still reading this book. I really does all mean a lot to me <3


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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