Chapter 3

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A loud annoying beeping sound coming from my alarm clock woke me up the next morning. I threw the alarm clock across the room, breaking it into pieces.

I really am not a morning person. I growled whilst getting up out of bed. I dragged myself into my en suite, I quickly brushed my hair and pulled it into a high pony tail.

I did my usual make up routine, but making sure to wear waterproof mascara this time. I'm going to need for this last stop.

I put on some high waisted black skinny jeans and and a white flowy top that was slightly see through showing my bright pink bra, I put on my black doc Martins.

I made my way down stairs and into the kitchen. The clock read 7:30. Ugh wayyy to early I thought to myself. I put 2 slices of bread into the toaster. I got on my tippy toes trying to reach to jar of nutella that for some reason was on the highest freaking shelf. Must be my mother's revenge. I'm only 5,3, it's pretty funny how everyone is intimidated by me even though I'm tiny.

I growled dragging at chair over, I stepped on the chair so I could reach it. The toast popped, I quickly took the toast out and covered it in nutella.

I took my first and groaned in pleasure. I don't think anyone would be able to make me feel this much pleasure, not even my mate.

Not that I plan on having a mate. I can't see myself being tied down with one person for the rest of my life and feeling pushed into having pups.

I also don't like people controlling me as you probably guessed, that's probably the main reason why I don't want a mate especially a high rank wolf, they're the most possessive and controlling mainly the alpha. No way would I let my mate control me, alpha or not.

When I was finished my toast, I ran to the door throwing on my black leather jacket. One last look in the mirror and I was out the door.

I made my way to car. I got into the driver seat, I put my head on the wheel preparing myself for this. To the cemetery I go.

Right now, I'm stood alone in a cemetery beside my fathers grave with tears streaming down my face. Thank the moon goddess for water proof mascara.

I haven't been to see my fathers grave since the funeral. As much as Darren kept pestering me to go I always came up with some excuse. He eventually stopped trying to get me to go when he realised there was no way of getting me to go and maybe the reason I gave him a black eye.

As I've said before I have a VERY short temper.

"I'm sorry I haven't come to visit your grave daddy." I say aloud through sobs. "I couldn't bring myself to come".

At least his grave was in good condition. All dead flower seemed to be replaced my new fresh ones. You see my dad was the Alpha of the pack. He died from a rouge attack. It was horrible. I saw my own father being ripped to death.

When he died I, his only child was only 13 years old and a girl. I wasn't ready to be an alpha and to be honest as much as the pack denies it they didn't want a female alpha, a Luna yes. But just a female alpha no.

My mother didn't want to be Luna she never did. She only agreed because my dad was her mate and she loved him. So she stepped down.

Our beta took over the Alpha role after that. Our pack wasn't so happy with it at first but they soon realised that he was an amazing alpha and could handle the role just as well as my father had.

The alpha still respected me and my mom the same way he always had. I for that reason respected him, after my dads death he treated me like his own daughter. I have to admit I'm gonna miss him a lot, Alpha David has always been there for me.

"Me and mom are moving today" I say aloud. I felt guilty we had to move so far, mom always came to the grave. She says it helps calm her down and makes her happy. Now we're moving away from her heaven. I couldn't help but feel guilty.

I drop down to my knee, hugging the grave stone. "I'm really really sorry" I choke between tears. "I have to go now, I'll be gone for a little while but don't worry me and mom will be back soon. Goodbye, I love you daddy" I whisper the last part while standing up.

I walk quickly over to my car, wiping the tears that were streaming down my face. I didn't want anybody to see me like this, even if I'm moving 5 hours away I'd like to keep up my reputation.,

I drove back home to see the moving vans were already there packing everything up. My mom was in the driveway looking at me.

"What" I snap harshly

She seemed a bit taken back but she soon snapped out of it.

"Alpha David is inside he wants to talk to you."

I nod my head, and make my way inside. He was standing in the kitchen with his better, who was my fathers third in command.

He gave me a small sad smile before speaking up "You really did it this time huh?" he then opens his arms and pulls me into a hug.

"Yup" I sigh into his chest hugging him back. After a while we pull away from our hug.

"Yknow you and your mom are welcome back to this pack anytime you like and if you need anything,anything at all you know who to call" he tells we with a soft fatherly smile.

"Thank you so much, I'll miss you" I say hugging him back wiping away a tear that was threatening to escape.

We all said our goodbyes, before I got into my car. My mom drove her car in front of mine leading the way to our new life. The moving vans had already left so hopefully most stuff will be unpacked when we arrive.

I turned on the radio and 'Midnight Memories' by one direction start blaring out.

Most people expect me to be into heavy metal or rock bands but nope. One Direction are my guilty pleasure, besides I'm more into Pop/Chart music then rock or heavy metal.

I start singing aloud while driving down the highway. Blue Moon pack here I come.

*Author's note**

Finally finished! I know my chapters are not

that long but its hard writing long chapter on a phone. My laptop is broken;( Oh and my spelling in some specific words my be different from your spelling seeing as I'm from Ireland and our spelling is like the English way.. Anyways comment what yous all thought

Love yous




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