~Part 23~

22 3 18

~Star's POV~

"Poy, I don't wanna sleep. I feel awake!" "Kirby, you are exhausted. I can see it in your eyes." "How could you know?" "I practically raised you from when you were a baby." I respond, making him turn quiet. 

"Alright... but can you stay? And do that singing thing?" he asks, making me freeze, "What...?" "You know, when you did that, 'Hm hmm hmmmm!'" He tries humming. "Oh- Kirby, you got me tense for absolutely no reason. That's called humming. Singing is when you use words." I roll my eyes and take the cape I let him borrow.

He whines and then stays quiet when I hand him a blanket instead. "Now, sit comfortably, and if you don't fidget, I might hum for a minute or two." I instruct, and he instantly sits. 

I sit next to him and try not not laugh as he snuggles in the blanket, before humming for him. I knew one tune off by heart, and it was always the one to put Kirby to sleep.

He didn't know the words, although I did, but I would never sing. Never. I have a phobia of singing and humming in front of others, unless I do it absent-mindedly, it's always made me freeze. 


After five minutes, Kirby finally fell asleep...

I didn't think it would take that long... but I suppose he is getting older. I manage to get him off my cape, and sit quietly, looking at the snow, it's calmed down a little, but it's still very rough.

I lean against the corner of the cave and feel something thump against my side. I put my hand in my cape and pull out the book about monsters. To be honest, I'm not sure why anyone would even research about Nightmare's monsters, but I guess every bit of knowledge counts. Plus, this has turned out useful-ish... in a way.

I continue reading about vampires. We have one literally under someone's control, and another which is under Sir Flame's control- (Most likely, anyway)- and some of these things are interesting, believe it or not. *Casually skips how vampires feed* 

Ahem. It says things about... different types of blood? Ok, there are different blood groups but not types. That doesn't even make sense. Was this author friends with a vampire or something?

'There are different types of blood. Or at least, to a vampire anyway. Here are a few:

1. Sour Blood.

Usually vampires can smell the blood inside of a person. Once they have taken down their victim (Defeated it) they usually smell their victim to see whether the blood is sour. If so, they leave their victim on the floor and run away. XD

2. Bad Blood.

Vampires can only sense bad blood if you are a bad person. They can sense bad blood from up to ten metres away. So... they might attack you and leave you sometimes because you have bad blood. Most of the time they will feed off you though (See chapter 17) At least you don't have to fear them if you have bad blood then. :)

(A/N: The chapter 17 means the one from the book Star is reading, not this one. XD)

3. Good Blood. 

(Opposite of Bad Blood, see paragraph 2) Good Blood is when you are a good person. Vampires rarely go for these sorts of people, because most of them are evil, so they don't feed off good people because the vampires are evil and hate those who are good. But they will sometimes feed off a good person because they might have not: 

• Fed in a couple days.

• Have nowhere else to feed.

• Have no one else to feed off.

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