My actual birthday is October 12 so that means April 12 (Today) is my half birthday. Everyday in the year would be my Unbirthday. I have 364 unbirthdays and that includes my half birthday. It's important to celebrate everyday and mark special moments in your life. Reminds you how exciting and adventures life can be. I know I had some dark periods will I just don't want to continue. I believe we all have them but celebrating everyday can be a poerful thing. Not that many people would do anything special for their unbirthday or for their half birthday but then again I am unique and have a different perspective. Life is special and it's important to celebrate everyday because everyday isn't always given. You know what they say. Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a present. I learned that from Kung Fu Penda.
Today I wanted to take a break from earth month and watch something special. Since the Mad Hatter sand "Have a very very un-birthday" I figured this would be the perfect movie to watch. I was about to watch it on my laptop in my room when my mom heard what I was watching (It had just started so only music from the opening was playing). I told her and she asked if I would want to watch it on the TV. I figured she probably want to watch it with me since usually in the mornings I am always in one of my rooms and I don't go out to watch the DVR or anything with my mom. My mom likes spending time with me and miss me when I go out for work or when I am hanging out with my friends and there goes the problem.
My mom and I both really enjoy the movie. We love the cat and the mad hatter. It's a fun lovable cartoon. Perfect for the whole family and not just children to enjoy. Hopefully some other day I'll go back to watch the two life action movies but I figure this one will make more sense to watch for today.
Disney+ reviews 2.0
RandomHere is the second book of reviews from all things Disney+. I hope all of you like what I have to say about different movies and TV shows.