Chapter 15- Gone

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Kirishima POV

It had been a week since my big 'flashback-about-sadness', and since my injuries weren't that bad, I was discharged from the hospital this morning. That day, me, mina, ser, kami, and jirou cried our hearts out. After a while, they were forced to go back to the dorms.

Right now, everyone was back at the dorms except Todoroki and Midoriya. The doctors said Todoroki would have to stay for quite some time longer, since his injuries were the most severe out of everyone. Midoriya was just allowed to stay there with him so he could keep him company and comfort him. To be honest, the only person Todoroki actually let in much was Midobro.

After I got back this morning, everyone welcomed me back. It felt just like when me, Midoriya, Tsu, and Uraraka came back from rescuing Eri... Except one main point for me was missing. Bakugo.

This time... He wasn't here for me. He... C'mon Eijirou, stop. Stop thinking about 'what if's' and different possibilities. You can't keep crying every time you think of him! Everyone else here is also scared and worried, so you gotta at least keep strong and manly for a while.

In the end, I just waved, and said i was really tired and needed to take a shower.

I went into my room, and collapsed onto my bed. I sighed into my pillow, and just stayed silent. I wasn't thinking about anything in particular, I forbid myself to think about him.

Without any intention, I felt a drop of water touch my cheek. Before I knew it, my whole pillow was soaked, along with my face and shirt. I got up, sniffed and wiped my nose.

I trudged over to my bathroom, and undressed. I looked at myself in the mirror. I could see some small- barely noticeable- scars scattered around my body. If you didn't know where to look, they wouldn't be seen.

So... This is what his life had come to. From a child, hating his quirk so much he wished he didn't have one. To middle school where he felt so damn weak, and useless. To high school, where he finally felt different- better. Finding actual friends who he cared for and cared for him. A best friend. Someone who he also considered more than a friend. He was let down of course thinking that he didn't like him back. But it was still the best I could ever dream- just any moment spent with him. To now... Where his desired reality could never be real. The one he craved to spend the rest of his life with, was now gone.


Mina POV

I was so worried. After Kirishima had gotten back, all he did was wave, and go to his room.

He acted fine, but his eyes... I saw how much sadness and heartbreak were in them. Knowing him, he was probably trying his best to stay strong for all of us.

Oh Kiri... Why do you always insist on only thinking about others?! You have to care for yourself sometimes too! I wish I could just go to him and tell him that it was okay to cry!

He doesn't always have to put on a smile for everyone else! I know that's All Might's whole thing, about smiling even when you're faced with trouble, but I also knew that All Might would agree with me. He would also say it's okay to cry sometimes.

I decided to go to his dorm to see if he was alright.

When I got in front of his door, I just stood there for a bit. I was about to just go right in, when I heard something.

I heard... Him sniffling?! Oh god... I knew he was gonna cry and blame himself when he was alone! What should I do?!

I was first thinking of knocking, but I doubt he would hear, and even if he did he probably wasn't gonna open it.

Then I decided just to go right in, I really wanted to make sure he was alright, even though I knew none of us were and nothing I could do was gonna change that.

But then... I thought about what I'd want someone to do to me if I was in Kiri's situation. To be honest, would I actually want someone to come to me, or...?

I walked away. Yup. It didn't seem like Kirishima wanted to be with someone else right now, whoever it could be. If I went in, he would probably just try to hide all his tears and pretend to be all okay.

The only way he would let it all out is if he were alone. That's why it's best for me to let him have sometime to himself right now. Not needing to worry what everyone else thinks.

This situation had infected all of us, but him by far the most. I knew how Bakugo felt to Kirishima, and just by looking at him, I knew for a fact that Kiri felt the same way about him.

He needed time to process all his thoughts and feelings about Bakugo being...


Aaaaaand another chapter out! I'm sorry if you found this one a bit short, I kinda forgot about writing it since the last update, and only remembered thus morning, and I knew I said I'd publish the next one today, so i've been working on this one all morning! I hope you enjoyed it, even though nothing big happened, hehe.

See you on the next update!

Word count: 934

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