Chapter 16- ..Should I...?

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Denki POV

I (along with the rest of the class) was feeling real worried about our bro Kirishima...

It had been 2 weeks since he had got back from the hospital, and he'd been locked up in his room ever since. When he came back that day he went in saying he's gonna take a shower, but... He never came out.

We've all been worried sick about him, I mean, first of all what was he doing in there all alone?! I know Bakubro's... D-death... Took a toll on him the most, and he was not coping with it the best way. But I couldn't blame him, I mean, what would I be feeling if Kyouka suddenly died right before my eyes?!

I wanted to help him, just like everyone else. On the first day, we let him keep to himself so he could collect up his thoughts, but we didn't mean for him to stay in his room for ever!

We'd bring him food, and leave it outside his door, but we still didn't know if he even ate any of it...

I Just wished he'd talk to us, he knows he can trust us right? We're his friends, he can talk to us about anything!

Kirishima POV

It had been 2 weeks. Two weeks since i got back, and 3 weeks since his death. I never went out of my room. I brought in the food the others set, so they wouldn't get worried, but I barely ate.

What was the point anyway?! Living... We were all gonna die someday, an inevitable death. So what was the point of staying alive for so long, only for it all to come down for you and everyone you love to perish.

I nibbled a bit of food once every few days, just enough to keep me alive- but also the smallest amount so I could keep suffering. I didn't deserve all these wonderful people around me. Me, a no one.

I decided I should take a shower. I picked up some random clothes- most were just tossed on the floor- and headed into my bathroom.

Once I got in, I undressed and sighed. I got into the shpwer, and let the water pour down on my body, thoughts seeping into my mind like the cooling water.

I'm wasting away my life like this. I still wanna be a hero, right? Yeah! This.. T-this wasn't gonna bring me down! I'll become a hero just like crimson riot- the most chivalrous of all!! But still... Argh these annoying thoughts of ending my life keep coming back to me! No! I won't! For the sake of the others. They've already suffered from Bakugo's death, and it's just gonna put more shame onto them, and it's gonna get UA attacked by the press even more! I can't do it... For them.

I got out of the shower after some time, and wrapped my towel around my waist. I looked towards my mirror and sink, my toiletries scattered around the table-top.

Suddenly, my eyes landed on a specific something that caught my attention.

I had an idea.

Hey again! How are yall doing?
(even tho i've said it 5 million times already today-)

Also, a question I wanted to ask you guys: do ya think the past few chapters (since baku died i mean) are considered like, angst? I mean, i know they are
kiri angst but do you thunk I should put a TW at the beginning or not? Cuz so far in angst books i've only seen TW's for self harm, and i don't have that yet, so yh.

I'm sry if ur finding it boring since the past few chaoters have basically just been Kiri angst, but the story is gonna progress into another arc that I already have planned!

What do you think Kiri saw? Tell me ur guesses in the comments <3!


Word count: 663

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