Chapter 18- I feel ya

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The picture making me cry 😭😭😭

TW: mentions of self harm; Death; kinda angsty?

Kirishima POV

It had been a few weeks since I had first started cutting.

From time to time, i would continue adding more cuts to my collection, all scattered around my thigh area and my upper arms- places i could easily cover with a hoodie and some jeans/sweatpants.

I normally wear shorts so it would be kinda sudden if i randomly started wearing full length pants, but hey. No ones gonna notice that anyway, why would anyone even care?

Well... Now what..? Is this just gonna be my life? Day after day, nothing new. Everyday passes by and no word is said? Life goes on.
Always. The. Same.

*knock knock knock*

... Who could that be? Ah... Probably just my classmates leaving food by my door. I'll collect it later. I don't want to resort to them seeing me in this condition...

"Problem child no. 3- Kirishima. Answer the door." I heard a voice grumble.

Shoot- it's Aizawa sensei. I guess I've barely heard from him while I was out. Then again, he was probably all dealing with the press, i mean, with all the stress they put on him and nezu when Bakugo was kidnapped... No doubt they'd be overhyped if he died.

"Kirishima? Are you in there...?

Ah sh!t... Now I'm facing the fact all over again... I know it's true and can't be changed... But still!

What's this..? My face... It feels wet. Am I crying again? Welp, so be it. I've cried at least once everyday now, but i know I'm just overreacting.
*snif snif*
Ugh, now I'm full-on sobbing. I bet my eyes are red and puffy from all the times I've cried anyway.

*Kirishima?! I'm going to come in now...!*


Oh no...

Aizawa/Eraserhead POV

"Kirishima? Are you in there...?" I was getting worried. I'd heard from the other problem children that he hadn't been eating well, and hadn't come out of his room.

I asked again multiple times, but he never came out. *Sigh*, I guess i'll just have to go inside myself.

I opened the door. My eyes were met with something that saddened my heart.

I saw Kirishima crying in his bed- off course... He must have just not heard me.

He looked up at me, his eyes wide with shock, his whole body trembling. I was about to say something when...

"Oh! H-helllo Aizawa sensei! Um, do y-you need anything...? Haha'' He smiled cheerfully.

...Is this guy for real?! One moment he's sobbing his eyes out, and the next he's grinning and laughing?! Of course I know that it's obviously a fake (considering how many times i've had to fake it)... *sigh* Of course he thinks he needs to put up a strong demeanor in front of me. I fully understand how he feels though...

He lost one of his closest friends... Bakugo.
I lost one of mine...
He feels like it's his fault... That he died.
It was my fault that he died...

Oboro Shirakumo. I let a tear slide.

"...Uhm, Aizawa sensei? A-are you okay..?"

I ran over and embraced him in a hug. He was shocked at first, but then melted in. I needed to be here to comfort my student now. He needed it.

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