Chapter 17- This feels alright.

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TW: Self harm

Kirishima POV:

I got out of the shower after some time, and wrapped my towel around my waist. I looked towards my mirror and sink, my toiletries scattered around the table-top.

Suddenly, my eyes landed on a specific something that caught my attention.

I had an idea.

I reached my hand over to the petite object, and held it up. Yes... I can do this again. Just like I used too in middle school... I can become tougher and manlier by doing this.

So it was decided.

I moved the razor down to my wrist. I was almost about to do it, but then I realised something.

If it was on my wrist... The others would definitely find out about this..! I can't let anyone else know what I'm going through right now. I... Can't share my feelings with anyone. This was the only way to cent everything out.

I first put on some boxers and a shirt- leaving my legs bare. I slowly moved the razor down to the area of my inner thigh.

I closed my eyes and touched it to my bare skin... And cut.

I felt something trickling down my leg, so I looked down to see blood dripping on my bathroom floor. Shoot, now i've gotta clean that up too- along with my leg. Welp. But the thing is... I didn't feel any sort of pain. All i felt was... Relief and like another problem had been lifted off my shoulders.

As more blood seeped through, I felt better and better. I made a few more cuts, and before I knew it, half of my whole thigh had been covered. I should stop now so no one else can find out.

I grabbed a bunch of bandages that I always kept spare in my room (just for emergencies, I mean, we get attacked almost every day, so well, yeah) and carefully wrapped them around my thigh.

After covering up all the cuts, I got a towel and wiped away some extra blood that had kinda dried on my leg. Then I went to the bathroom and cleaned up the bloody floor.

No one can find out about this.
No one will find out about this.

Yo another chapter done. I hope it was ok for u guys. I know it's kinda short.. Sry bout that. I'm literally writing all of this before online school starts cuz yeah.
Welp cya in the next chap

Word Count: 417

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