The Coffee Catch-Up

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Tuesday, May 10

"Where'd you get that!?" Teddy asked as they headed down to the dungeons from the first-floor girl's loo.

"Stole it from dad's office," James smirked, putting the silver cloak over him.

"So that's why you've been ignoring Harry's owls?"

"Yup!" A muffled answer came from under the cloak.

Teddy shook his head in disbelief even though he was quite impressed. "Did you get any Howlers yet?"


Teddy laughed. They reached the tapestry that opens up to the Dungeons, he quickly changed his eyes and hair color to black. He even changed his old prefect badge pin to green and stole some Slytherin robes. As he finished changing into his new identity, James pulled out dung bombs from the box and started heading down the end of the corridor.

After spreading the bombs in each corridor and bathroom, Teddy taught James how to set a timer to make them all go off at a certain time. They were set to go off at seven-thirty in the morning.

The next morning during breakfast, Teddy saw James up and about eating on the Gryffindor table, grinning ear to ear. It was still very early, and he went and sat down at the Hufflepuff table, making himself some toast, waiting for their hard work to pay off. As the Slytherins started to walk into the hall, laughter arose, they all had brown ash on their robes, hair messed up, and worst of all carried a putrid odor. James was silently laughing across the hall, as the Slytherins passed them to settle down at their tables. Teddy assumed Filch was already cleaning up their mess because they were just informed Potions class had been canceled for this morning because someone had put dung bombs in the classroom too. He spent the rest of the morning in the library, revising as his NEWTs exams were coming up. The next week was given off to revise, and the two weeks following that was the testing period.

He spent the next week in the library, way past curfew, using his head boy privilege until Madam Pince would kick him out. That weekend was the Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw quidditch match and he missed the part in Gryffindor tower for their victory, because he was too busy studying. Once exam week one started he found himself a little less stressed because he had completed all the possible revising. Defense Against Dark Arts was as easy as it could be, especially the practical exam. He gave all the credit to Harry and the years he spent with him learning about boggarts, and Patronus charms, and more. Transfiguration he assumed he should get at least Exceeds Expectation. Charms and Potions were also both fairly easy. Although he didn't like Potions too much, it was a necessary subject for Auror training. He wanted to be an Auror just like his mother.

The next week he had Herbology, which was easiest of them all, and Muggle Studies. He assumed he passed although there were many confusing things such as topics related to electricity and power which he still didn't understand. He had dropped Astronomy, Divination, and Care of Magical Creatures after his OWLs and still he had more revising to do than any other year.

"I failed! All of them! I think I'm going to drop out!" Molly was pacing in the Gryffindor common room the night after their last finals.

"You're fine," Dominique yawned, lying down on the couch.

"My dad will literally disown me if I get less than ten OWLs!"

"Hah! That's something Uncle Percy would do. You can move in with us, my dad only got three OWLs, so I'm chilling. The bar's really low," Freddy said lying on the other sofa, his hands behind his head.

"How'd your NEWTs go, Teddy?"

"Alright. Just have to wait for the results to come."

They were all hanging out in the common room, too hot to go outside. Dominique insisted on throwing an end-of-the-year party, but in the end, she was just looking for an excuse to get drunk. So she ended up planning everything. Victoire handles the Ravenclaw invites, Molly does Hufflepuff, and Dom does Gryffindor. Teddy was in charge of the booze, being the only one of-age. Roxanne on food, and Freddy on music.

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