The Tea Catch-Up

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1 week later

Teddy received his NEWTs results a couple of days ago, passing all his examinations. He wasn't too surprised by the results, as he knew he would do good, but nevertheless, he went out to celebrate with his old mates. The dreadful await of the Auror Training acceptance letter is still looming in the air.

He's been spending the past few days at the beach for a concerning number of hours. His skin has definitely got a nice summer tan, and his soft blue curls are reaching his eyes. He tried out a middle part after Victoire's constant insisting and wasn't too bad.

As of today, he spent the whole day at Diagon Alley, in the Weasly's joke shop with Freddy, Dominique, and Victoire. In the morning, they would prank the people who would enter the shop, by Teddy morphing into their bodies.

A young boy about thirteen came in, and Freddy offered a regular Bertie Botts bean.

"It's a duplication charm, if you eat it, a twin of yourself will appear," Freddy lied.

"Yeah, right." The boy rolled his eyes, unconvinced, but ate the bean he was given. Teddy who was standing behind the shelf full of Puking Pastilles, pictured the boy's short blond hair, about five-foot height, crooked nose, blue eyes, every other small detail. He came out of the shell, creeping slowly behind the boy.

He tapped the boy's shoulder. "MERLIN!" The boy yelled, leaping back, looking at his 'twin' who appeared out of 'thin air.'

They all immediately burst into laughter, unable to hold it in, and Teddy changed back to his normal self, causing the boy to curse again in shock. He ran straight out the front door. Even George was laughing from behind the counter, but he eventually told him off, as that was the third customer today, they got rid of.

Teddy remembers the moment from when he was eight years old. George used him to test try a new product, resulting in his ears to stretch all the way to the floor. He got payback by morphing into George and mocking him, which didn't end well. He wouldn't call in crying, but George definitely teared up seeing Teddy in his 6 foot 3 height, with the same ginger hair, and boldly shaped. Obviously, at the time he wasn't aware that George once had a twin who also died in the war. After that, he never morphed into George ever again.

Their shift just finished and everyone was to return to Shell Cottage to spend the rest of the day on the beach, but Teddy needed to return to the Potter Manor, because he had left his phone there this morning.

"I'll come with you."

"You sure? I could just meet you there."

"It's calm."

Teddy and Victoire both apparate straight to the manor's front doorstep.

"Reckon I could apparate straight to my room from here?"

"Probably. But why not just go through the front door?"

Teddy laughed and shook his head, at his own immaturity that Victoire is keen on getting rid of.

"Try it, I dare you. I want to see how bad you fail," she tells him before turning the knob on the front double door.


Boom. He landed straight in the corner of his room, but strange dizziness followed. He tried to gain his balance by putting both his hands on the window. Only the problem is, the window was fully open.

Before he knew it, he was falling straight out the window frame, and he tried to use his wand for a last-minute shield charm but landed straight into the pool.

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