The Werewolf Drawing

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"What rubbish," Victoire tutted, turning the page in the glossy Witch Weekly booklet. "Ginny Weasley-Potter, England's own wonder, was spotted yesterday evening leaving the Ministry wearing robes with multiple ink stains. We here at Witch Weekly want to know—where is her money going? Why can the red-haired Mrs. Weasley-Potter not afford clean robes?'" Victoire read.

Teddy laughed, "Ginny told me about it a couple days ago, and she responded, quite humorously, by running around Diagon Alley in the same state. She told me the next Witch Weekly will probably say: Ginny Weasley-Potter, England's own disgrace, spotted covered head-to-toe in mud while making a rude hand gesture at our personality correspondent. Concerned readers are asking: who let this woman raise children? Where is the Chosen One now? Will he save the wizarding world once again—this time from Mrs. Potter's sloppiness?"

"That old bitch is sixty-five years old, and doesn't have anything better to do than bash women and young girls," Victoire continued flipping through the pages. "I still haven't forgotten the page she wrote about us."

Teddy remembers the page featured for the two Weasley sisters, Dominique and Victoire, in which a picture was included of Teddy and Dominique in Diagon Alley together, simply shopping for a gift for Victoire, which was portrayed by Rita Skeeter, as if they were on a date. Under that picture was another picture of Victoire and Teddy in the Three Broomsticks together wrapped around each other. A boy like no other, perhaps - yet a boy suffering all the usual pangs of adolescence, writes Rita Skeeter. Deprived of love since the tragic demise of his parents in the war, seventeen-year-old Teddy Lupin thought he had found solace in his steady girlfriend or is it, girlfriends? Daughters of the Weasleys family, Victoire and Dominique Weasley both falling for a certain same boy?

Since the article was published, they started going out to more muggle places and shops for dates.

Although Hermione had banned her from writing any articles about underage girls or boys, without permission. She has her way past the rules and regulations. Her writing style is so obvious, even under an anonymous name, everyone can easily tell her writing.

Always trying to harass the Potter family for photos and stories, mostly Ginny, not daring to create rumors about the Ministry of Magic herself. Recently she's been finding more interest in the Weasley children. Teddy is mostly worried about James, Albus, and Lily, being the children of Ginny and Harry Potter. Once they are older, they will no doubt be the center of each gossip paper.

Since very recently, Ginny had officially quit Quidditch coaching, or as he likes to say simply taking a break because he knows too bloody well there's no way Ginny will ever be about to give it up. As a Quidditch correspondent, she's been busy writing about various Quidditch Games, he wouldn't be shocked if one day she wrote a massive article about how Rita Skeeter is a lying, narcissist.

"Just wait, if she ever goes after any of my cousins, I won't think twice before dueling her," Victoire stated, finally shutting the booklet close.

"Let me know when, I'll bring some popcorn , and watch, not like you'll be needing my help," he winked at her, tossing the Witch Weekly off his bed, and onto the floor. He moved up the head frame of the bed, straddling and kissing her lips. Andromeda was out with her old friends from school, and they had the whole house to themselves, so they did what every teenager would do.

" Godric! What was that?" He was in the middle of a very comfortable position under the covers when a loud bang on the window came. He lazily opened the window with his wand, and an owl came rushing in, a letter tied to his leg. Realizing the whole mood was gone, he put on his boxers, and Victoire did the same.

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