The Mysterious Man

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April 2017, Potter Manor

"Anyone seen my Quidditch Kit?!" Ginny yelled from the top of the stairs, running in circles trying to find her Quidditch equipment for the past ten minutes.

"Honey, it's in our bedroom!" Harry called from the Kitchen. "James! NO! Give it back--." James was running past Harry into the sitting room with the Marauder's Map in his hands.

"PLEASE! My name is JAMES SIRIUS! I deserve this map. Plus, Teddy gave me permission to have it, right Teddy?" James looked at Teddy who was sitting on the sofa, sipping his tea, trying to have a peaceful Saturday morning.

"Hm, yeah you can have it." He replied dozing off, thinking about his past experience in Brighton. Harry continued to scold James for stealing the map, and Ginny was making her way out for Quidditch practice. "Bye, Take Care!" Lily and Albus were arguing upstairs because Lily's chocolate card collection had been transformed into regular muggle cards. Poor Albus was getting blamed when it was James' doing. Amongst all the commotion Teddy was distracted by the man who had called him "Remus." Teddy hadn't been able to get it out of his head in days, because how many other people were names "Remus", surely the man was referring to his father, Remus Lupin, Teddy thought.

"Oi! Teddy, you all right?" Harry asked settling himself on the other sofa with his tea after finally calming James down.

"Yeah, yeah. Actually, I wanted to tell you something, it's silly though."

Harry raised an eyebrow, "Try me." He grinned. You could always count on Harry when you needed to talk about this sort of thing, after all, he had also lost both of his parents when he was a baby.

"Last week, when me and Victoire went to Brighton, we went to this muggle record shop. The man working there he-- he called me Remus." Harry looked up from his tea, shocked.



"Did he say anything else?"

"No. No, he just said he mistook me for someone else."

Harry nodded, it was obvious he was trying to understand something. "Teddy, I don't if he was referring to your dad, but how many Remus's are there?"

"Are you saying I should go back?" He obviously has thought about this multiple times in the past few days but couldn't bring himself to actually do so. He didn't know what to expect and what if he went back just to be disappointed.

"That decision is up to you, but it wouldn't hurt to try, even if it was a simple misunderstand." Harry gave a comforting smile and it spoke much more than he did, Teddy thought. Harry patted Teddy's knees and got up, heading back to the Kitchen. "Albus! Lily! Come eat your breakfast!"

"COMING!" They yelled back from the second floor.


He stood in front of the mirror fixing his bright blue curly hair back. He was wearing black skinny jeans, torn at the knees, and a red checkered shirt. It was mid-day and he thought about what Harry said, and thought what's the point in waiting?

"Are you going on a date with Victoire?" James apparently was watching him get ready, he was leaning against the door to Teddy's room.

"Nope," Teddy replied turning to find his phone hidden somewhere in the covers.

"Then why are you getting ready?"

"Why are you so nosy, James?" He asked lifting the duvet.

"See I've thought about it...and I think it's in my blood."

Teddy finally looked at James and gave a weird look. James continued blabbing, as he finally entered Teddy's room.

"My name is James Sirius so..."

"James, sorry to break it to you mate, but you can't base your entire personality on someone you've never met." Teddy lifted his pillows and threw them on the ground, shaking them as if his phone will magically drop out of them.

"Ew. Why do you have a picture of you and Victoire snogging?" James picked up the photo that was under Teddy's pillow. It was a moving picture of Teddy and Victoire at the beach, last summer when all the older cousins went on a mini camping trip. On the back was written, Get a Room! - taken by Dominique Weasley ;)

"Accio photo!" The picture came flying from James's hands into Teddy's. James continued laughing maniacally as he made his way out of the room. "Accio phone!" Finally, his phone came flying from under the bed, and he caught it. He made his way for the front door.
"You're going right now?" Harry asked as Teddy was about to leave.

"Yeah! I think it's better to get it over with than sit here all day just wondering the outcomes."

"Alright, be safe. Let me know if anything goes wrong."

Teddy smiled, "I think I might crash at Bill and Fleur's place. I promised I'd see Victoire before the Easter holiday's finish. So don't wait up on me."

He opened and shut the front door, and apparated straight to the small street in Brighton. A gust of wind pushed him, as he regained his balance. The waves of the ocean weren't too far from here, and there it was, the Record Shop at the end of the street.

He entered the shop and the bell ringed from the top of the door. "Welcome!" A voice called from the checkout table. He made his way through to the back of the shop, and there was a burly man behind the counter, with big blue eyes. He had a smile on his face, "How can I help you?"

"Er, I was actually looking for someone. I don't know his name but he was working here last week, um had curly blond hair, I think..." Teddy was feeling all his nervousness pour down. He just wanted to leave, to get out of the shop. What was he thinking coming here for? The man looked just as confused as he was, and before he could reply Teddy spoke again.

"Never mind, sorry I'm just--gonna head out now." He rushed back out and slammed the store door shut a bit harder than he meant to. He took in the fresh air and decided to settle down in the cafe two shops down, across the street.

It had probably been a couple of hours. He managed to drink two coffees, get some lunch from a noodles stand, and had taken a brief walk on the beach. Still no luck in finding the mysterious man. He had thought about leaving starting back to Bill and Fleur's when he caught the curly head man walking on the other side of the street. All his doubts went out the door and all he could think of was calling the man before he vanished again. Teddy would not let that happen. He wanted to talk. He needed to talk to this man.

"Excuse me? Sir?!"

The man stopped and turned.

"Excuse me? Excuse me?" Teddy jogged to catch up. He wasn't even thinking how crazy he might be looking chasing after some random man.

The man stopped still and straightened up as he approached him. Teddy gave a small smile, trying his best to remain normal. "Sorry, didn't mean to chase you," He was catching his breath.

"Only I've been sitting in that cafe for five hours hoping you'd come back."

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