Marauders Prank 2.0

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Hogwarts Kitchen

That evening they were all eating dinner together in the Kitchens. The house-elves graciously accepted them like always. They had Fred and Geroge Weasley to thank for that. Fred and George used to visit the Kitchens all the time and the house-elves had high respect for the Weasleys, along with Potters. Some of these house-elves have been the same since the Marauders were at school, and a couple even remembers the original James Potter and Sirius Black.

Kreacher was their favorite elf. He was a moody git they all loved to joke around with him. Harry said he used to be grumpier before Harry had gifted Regulus's necklace to Kreacher. Although Kreacher was a free elf who graciously worked in the Hogwarts Kitchens, he never liked to admit he was a free elf, and still considered the Potters and Blacks his master. Teddy would fall into the Black category but Kreacher would hardly ever do what Teddy asks. The only person he would give full respect to was Harry, Kreacher was an angel towards Harry.

"Kreacher what's your favorite color?" Roxanne asked after James had ordered him to eat dinner with the kids. They were all sitting at a long table, Freddy and James on the table.

"Kreacher's favorite color is black. Kreacher will always live to serve the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black," he croaked.

"Mate, I'm sorry to inform you but the last of the Black Family died in 1996," Dominique said.

"Oi! That's not true. Technically none left that go by the name but sadly they still have Black blood, eh Teddy," Freddy nudged him. They would occasionally come and sit with Kreacher, tormenting him with dumb questions as he boasts about the Black family and Regulus Black.

"Kreacher still has Master Harry and his half-blood kids, and--."

"Kreacher, do you still miss your mistress?" James cut him off.

"Kreacher no longer misses his mistress. She was a follower of the Dark Lord, and Master Regulus fought against the Dark Lord, therefore Kreacher doesn't like the Dark Lord. My mistress was a terrible person but Kreacher was too blinded to see it."

"Thank god she's dead," Dominique said. They all started laughing.

"Hey, that's my great grandaunt in some way, talk with respect," Teddy joked, and they all started laughing once more.

"Kreacher, why did you hate Sirius Black so much?" James asked, as he finished the chicken in his plate.

"Kreacher does not hate Master Sirius. Kreacher used to hate Master Sirius, but he was on the same side as Master Regulus, and Kreacher is deeply sorry for telling Bellatrix Lestrange and causing the death of Sirius Black--."

"Okay Kreacher, that's enough," Teddy told him, trying to get him to stop talking.

"What does he mean causing the death of Sirius?" James asked.

Teddy knew exactly what Kreacher was talking about, Harry had told him, but James was too young to know about this stuff. He doubts the others know the true story either, and it wasn't Teddy's place to tell them how Kreacher betrayed Sirius by telling Bellatrix about how she could exploit his close relationship with Harry, being part of the reason that caused Sirius' death.

There was an awkward silence and James was confused but didn't ask Kreacher or Teddy again.

Another house-elf, Winky had come along, bringing them another play of chicken. "Thanks, Winky," Lucy and Louis said as she put the plate on the table. Winky was also another house-elf Harry used to know. Apparently, she was a dear friend of the famous house-elf Dobby, who died saving Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

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