The Birthday Surprise (part two)

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Buggering Christ. She was from all the old photographs he had found in the London flat. His eyes widened.

"You knew my dad, didn't you?" He asked uncomfortably.

"Re--Remus?" she asked just as uncomfortably.

"Yeah. Remus."

They stood in silence.

"Sorry it's just, I never knew he had a kid, he...," she trailed off, but he felt comfortable enough to explain a bit more.

"I was born in 1998...right before the war. My mum and dad both...died during the war."

"Your mum too? Sorry about that, love," she replied.

"Told the bloody fool not to go back, but he was..." she trailed off again, blinking rapidly trying to hold back her tears, laughing it off. He knew it too well.

"Did you know my mum?" He asked, but already knew the answer, "Nymphadora Tonks?"

She looked at him and nodded, "Sorry lad, I never even knew that he married a... but I recognize the 'Tonks' name."

There was more awkward silence, and finally, she spoke up again, "Would you like to get some coffee, there's a shop across the street. Maybe you can fill me in and I'm pretty sure you might have questions..."

It was like she knew him, because Yes! I always have questions, he thought.

"Er--I would really like to and yes, I do have some questions, because I didn't really know him that well. And everyone who did know him, you know, um died I guess." He shouldn't have said that because she probably knew them too, why couldn't he talk properly. "But can we do it some other time? Sorry it's just we have to get back, Er, we kinda bunked class and came here..."

"That's something Remus has done," she laughed, "Of Course, I had no idea you would still be at Hogwarts, here, my phone number."

"Yeah, final year," he said, adding her phone number to his phone.

"And what about you?" She asked, looking at Victoire.

"Sixth year." "Oldest in my entire family," She added, trying to create more normal conversation, it was obvious.

"Big family, I'm guessing?" She asked, putting her phone back into her pockets.

Victoire laughed, "Oh it's big, Weasley family."

"No way! You're not one of Molly Weasley's kids?"

Victoire looked shocked in hearing this, "Yeah, she's my grandma."

"Blimey! Well, I don't want to get you two in trouble, so I'll let you go..."

"Thank you for approaching me, and I hope to meet up soon," Teddy said shyly.

"Oh, you won't get rid of me now. Bring your girl too, I want to see how many more Weasley's I know," she winked at Victoire and started walking back to the stand where she met up with the man she was with, in the restaurant.

"What the hell just happened?" Teddy looked at Victoire shocked.

"No idea. But we have to get back, it will be weird if they realize the Head Boy has been gone all afternoon."

So they did. They apparated back to the cellar and rushed back into the castle. It was half-past four by the time they got back and went straight to the Gryffindor tower.

"Where the hell have you two been?" Dominique asked, as soon as they walked into the portrait hole.

"Yeah, been lookin' for you for hours," Roxanne added.

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