Chapter 5

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Yeona's POV

"Luna? What's out there?" I ask, walking over to the window after returning home. Her eyes never leave whatever she's focused on, even after I tap the top of her head a couple times, which usually annoys her.

I glance out the window in confusion. Nothing on the ground but the little courtyard between my apartment complex and the one next to us, and nothing in the sky but the usual birds.

She's not looking in either up or down, but staring directly in front of her. What could she possibly be looking at?

"Luna?" I ask again, scanning the area. Suddenly, my eyes catch on one of the windows of the building across from me.

There, in the window, sits two cats. One... Is that a Siamese? It's adorable. And the other one is probably an Abyssinian. Equally as adorable.

Well, that's definitely what Luna's staring at.

"Never seen those two before... Since when were there cats in that apartment?" I ask myself. Then again, I don't know anything about anyone in that building. For goodness sake, I don't even know the neighbors in my own building.

"Well, I'll leave you to stare at those cats, but I'd like to let you know that I'm never going to take you to actually see them, so don't get too attached," I laugh, speaking to her as if she's a human, which I do way too much.

I observe the two felines for a few more seconds, then leave the window to go find a snack from my pantry.

When I return to the living room with a bag of dried sweet potatoes, Luna still hasn't moved from the window. In fact, she's gotten even closer, now literally inside the window, perched on the window sill with her flank pressed up against the screen.

I guess it's a cat thing.

"Lunaaa," I call again, sitting down in my chair and waving a toy mouse in front of her face. She doesn't stir, completely ignoring me. "You're really going to choose a pair of random cats over the person who feeds you?"

I glance out the window again and am surprised to see that there's now a piece of paper taped to the screen of the other window, blocking my view of the Siamese cat.

What does it say?

I look a little closer and can barely make out the four letters written in black marker on the piece of paper: Meow.

Did this person just "meow" at me?

Alright, either whoever takes care of those cats has a very interesting sense of humor, or the cats have somehow learned to write and want to say hi to Luna. My logic tells me that the first choice is the correct one.

Whoever put the piece of paper here is out of view now, which suddenly makes me feel very self conscious. I duck down so that the person can't see me from their window, even though they've probably already seen me. Yeah, there's no point in hiding myself.

From the floor, I stare out the window for a while, scrutinizing the piece of paper. A thought pops into my head, something I lowkey wish I didn't think of.

Should I respond?

As if Luna has sensed I'm considering this, she peers down at me with wide eyes. It's like she's urging me to say something on her behalf.

I debate with myself for a few minutes, weighing the costs and benefits of this action. I guess I could possibly make a friend or something, but do I really want a friend? This is giving me a lot of social anxiety.

If I were to write something, what would I write? This human is probably going to judge me. Well, actually, considering that they just taped a piece of paper to their window screen with the word "MEOW" on it, maybe it won't be their place to judge me, a person who's simply being polite and responding to the greeting.

You know what, I'm just gonna do it, I decide, reaching for my printer and taking out a piece of crisp printer paper. In large, bold print, I write the same four letters, "MEOW", followed by a question mark, then take a piece of tape and attach it to my screen, making sure it doesn't block Luna's view.

And now we wait.


Who's Yeona's neighbor? Hm, I wonder-

Thanks for reading!

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