Chapter 36

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Ten's POV

"So, when are you going to ask Yeona for help?" Chunmei asks, confronting me as I'm returning to my room. "I mean, you don't have to be in a hurry to do it. Take your time. We'll be able to avoid that rat for a long time."

I nod, glad for her reassurance. I know that it would be best to ask Yeona as soon as possible, but I can't help but want to keep her away from my idol world for a little while longer.

I mean, once she gets involved in it, it's not easy to get out. And I know for a fact that she isn't really a person who likes to be part of drama. I might scare her off, and that isn't what I want to do.

Is that selfish of me to want? I hope not. I just know that I'm not going to jump into things right away, even if I am usually a spontaneous sort of person.

"I think I'm going to get to know her a bit more. Maybe in a few days?" I suggest uncertainly.

Chunmei nods, a smile on her face. "Alright, that's cool. Whenever you're ready." With a wink, she disappears into her shared room with Winwin.

I stand in the middle of the hallway for a second longer, contemplating my decision. The thing is, if I asked her right now, she might not even agree. Maybe she'd think that I'm using her. Anyways, I'm definitely going to wait for a while before springing into action.

As I'm entering my room, I hear a notification from my phone. I jump towards it, opening the texting app as quickly as possible. Is it Yeona?

It is, indeed, Yeona. I immediately ask her how her day has been, wondering whether or not she's already aware of the worker at the café.

And this is where I learn valuable information. The employee's name is Haeyoung... and Yeona shares our dislike towards her.

A plan immediately starts formulating in my head, the details all coming together. I get to know her, keep things the way they are for a while, and once I feel that it's morally alright to ask her for help without ruining things, I'll do it and hope for the best.

I don't know, I'm just not comfortable with asking her so soon after we became friends. Call me a coward, but she's got to be protected from the idol world for now.

As I'm texting her, Hendery suddenly runs into the room, urgency in his voice. "Ten, come here really quickly, Kun wants to ask you something."

I nod, reluctantly leaving my phone on my bed and following him out the door. I approach our leader, a confused look on my face. "Kun? You wanted to talk to me?"

He looks up at me, making me realize that Hendery has disappeared. "No, I don't have anything to say to you. Go back to whatever you were doing, those kids were just clowning around again."

I basically run back to my room, almost crashing into Yangyang, Xiaojun, and Hendery as they rush out. With a confused look on my face, I pick up my phone and read the text messages on them.


I facepalm, realizing that the whole thing was just a little trick so they could talk to Yeona. I don't know what they're doing, and why they want to see Luna again, but Yeona' next text lifts my spirits a little.

sure why not

Now I have to apologize on behalf of them. Nice.

pls they tricked me into leaving my phone-

oh I see lol-
idk why I'm surprised, but it's all good

well ig we're meeting up again?


my guy is falling for her 👀

Thanks for reading!

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